New Orleans has a fowl problem. It seems that when Katrina wrecked the city, some lucky surviving chickens literally flew the coop. Now their wild descendants are populating the city's streets and parks.
It's reached the point that our local paper even ran a feature on it, which you can read here. I snapped the pictures above a couple of weeks ago, and Danielle took the ones below last summer.
They say animal control officers have been attempting to round up to the chickens, which they then deliver to a local farmer known as "the Chicken Man". Unfortunately, chickens are notoriously hard to catch, and of course the roosters have nasty sharp spurs. Frankly, I wouldn't want to tangle with this guy.
Caffeine update: I'm still sticking to my resolution and the blistering headache is finally gone, but man would I like a latte right now...
mmmm, chicken. Free range chicken is good eatin' :)
For many Katrina was the end of the world.
For a few hardy chickens, it was only the beginning....
Be strong - do not give in to the lure of the latte! I was weak. . .
The chicken situation there is similar to the rabbit story here in BC. Someone let a few domestic rabbits out, and now you can't go anywhere in the local park or hospital grounds without practically stepping on one of the little guys. They seem far more benign than those chickens, especially that rooster. Given a choice between rabbit hunter and chicken hunter, I would choose the former, I think!
When I moved to NYC for graduate school in the mid 1990's, there were chickens and roosters in the neighborhood I lived in. They could be found in vacant lots that neighbors refurbished into backyards of sorts, which often included little wood houses. Then the housing boom swept in, and the chickens were gone. I suspect the same could happen in New Orleans. Nothing can deter a determined realtor!
Well done on holding out...keep it up.
Love the chicken pictures :-)
Charles, somehow I knew you were going to say that!
Steve, I have to admit I was surprised by the number of roosters amongst them, until I realized, Well, duh...
Essex, at least chickens don't breed like rabbits. I've seen a few rabbits in my neighborhood park, too, but I suspect they're Easter presents let go--and much easier to catch.
Pax Deux, the other day, Steve saw a rooster standing on a porch next to a sleeping cat, but there were so many people stopped to take photos he couldn't snap a picture.
Liz, now I find myself lusting after chocolate milk. I blame you! Or maybe it's just an urge to replace caffeine with sugar, since I also found myself eying a snowball stand yesterday.
Good luck with the caffeine!
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