I survived Christmas, the Wedding, a houseful of guests, and New Years, although I have to admit I haven't written a word in over a month now. But the happy couple is off on their honeymoon, I put my stepdaughter and partner on their flight Monday, saw my sister off today, and I find myself actually eager to get back to What Darkness Brings (still getting used to that title).
Hope you all had a good holiday season. (Yes, that is Bourbon Street on New Year's Eve, although the photo was taken by a friend, not me.) I think I'm going to skip the resolutions this year; at this point I suspect I lack both the energy and the initiative. How about you? Do you do New Year's Resolutions?
Congrats on living through that pressure cooker. Now writing about mysteries and murders will seem like a cake walk.:) I don't make resolutions either. Been a long time, in fact.
I'm usually a fan of resolutions and goal-setting in general.
This new year I was looking back at last year's resolutions, shaking my head. Not a single one done.
Okay, so the year was barely started when an earthquake destroyed my business and broke my right hand. And I bounced back fast enough to make it to New Orleans in October, but I still didn't get those ebooks formatted... Yeah.
This year I think I'll skip the resolutions. :)
I solemnly resolve to have as much fun as the guy in the first picture is having at least once this year!
A very happy new year to you & yours Candy.
Christmas, a wedding, guests etc, etc goodness you have been busy. And, and, the next book to think about as well!
Can't wait for March! I intend having the book with me on a long flight we will be making.
Charles, thanks! I never, ever want to do another wedding again.
Steve, I think you can give yourself a pass for giving up on last year's resolutions!
Paz, ha! He was indeed having a great time. And he's a good sport, too, because he graciously agreed to let me post the photo.
Firefly, thank you, and happy new year to you, too!
i think I still have the energy to make resolutions. This new year, more time for my family and less facebook! hahaha. It seems that you enjoy your holiday, so do we. Have a great holiday!
Happy New year wishes
The picture speaks a thousand words and I have a few words for it. Fun, festive, happy and great! My warm new year wishes for you and have a great holiday!
Happy new year to you!
I'm done listing out my resolutions and I aim to fulfill them. I have already send out my new year wishes sms and I'm ready to party! Happy new year to all!
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