The Louisiana Book Festival in Baton Rouge was this past weekend, and as always, it was a wonderful, enriching experience. Plus, look at that shirt-sleeve weather, in November! Ya gotta love southern Louisiana.

My six-hour workshop on Friday went great. I had a fantastic group of enthusiastic writers, and I can only hope they enjoyed the experience as much as I did. Although I must admit, I have a new appreciation for just how exhausting elementary and high school teachers must find their days! The most I ever had to teach back when I was a university prof was two classes a day, well spread out. Even though we took plenty of breaks, by the end of the day I’m not sure how coherent I was!

Then, on Saturday afternoon, Laura Joh Rowland and I did a panel entitled “Clean Breaks and Balancing Acts.” Basically, we talked about making career changes, and the fine art of juggling two very different series—an interesting comparison of our two experiences. After that came my booksigning, and then it was time to dash across Baton Rouge and pick up my new car! Finally!!!
That is one sweet whip ya got there!
Worth the wait...
(Putting on Yat persona): Oh dawlin', dat caw is gaw-jis. I always wanted a red caw!
(Returning to regular persona): Really, I HAVE always wanted a red car. But because I often drive faster than the speed limit, I don't want a car that draws the attention of law enforcement, so I stick with white, middle-aged-lady type cars.
I can envy yours, however.
Congrats on getting this monkey off your back. And when do we all get a ride in your new car?
I am seriously holding my breath until I get my copy from amazon...
Also? Jettas are the best!
Congratulations on all the good news. :)
Beautiful cover and car. :)
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