
Monday, August 12, 2013

More Pomp and Circumstance

We had another graduation in the family this past week when my younger daughter, Dani, received her master's degree in cognitive psychology from LSU.

Although Baton Rouge isn't far away, they're doing a lot of construction on the interstate at the moment, so Steve and I drove up the day before and stayed at LSU's lakeside hotel. My daughter actually completed the degree last spring and has now started work on her PhD (she taught her first course, Introduction to Psychology, this summer), but she didn't quite finish in time to get all the paperwork in and go through the ceremony in May. Which was a good thing, since not only would she had graduated the same day her big sis graduated from medical school (the medical school ceremony is in New Orleans), but sitting through a graduation of less than 800 students is far more pleasant than enduring a parade of thousands!

While graduations can be painful--especially when the seats are as scrunched together as those in LSU's arena--I still get a buzz out of the atmosphere of intense pride and accomplishment (and relief) they generate. The familiar strains of Pomp and Circumstance still bring a lump to my throat.

And yes, Steve and I are very proud of our girls.

Top photo courtesy of Jim Zietz/LSU University Relations.


  1. Another big congratulations to you and your family! Where's the proud mama? Was the older sister able to be there, hopefully? Academia sure runs in your family! Nicely done, indeed. What a wonderful summer and memories for all of you.....sigh

  2. Huzzah! Bravo! Congratulations to all - and may I say that cognitive psychology sounds quite interesting ... This is wonderful.

  3. Excellent! That's wonderful to hear.

  4. Congratulations to all! I did not attend any of my graduations ceremonies after high school. I was proud of that *at the time* (for though my parents accepted my decision, it made them sad). Of course, what happened the first year I started teaching, and every year since? You guessed it! I have had ample time to reflect on the error of my ways.

  5. LOgalinOR, thank you. I was behind the camera! Unfortunately my older daughter wasn't able to get leave to come home. We're hoping she'll be able to come for the PhD.

    Barbara, thank you! It is a very interesting subject, yes.

    Charles. Thanks!

    Paz, my older daughter skipped her BA ceremony, but I didn't blame her too much since they're soooo loooong. That's funny you now have to attend every year. I think that would really start to wear after awhile, although at least your seats are roomier?

  6. lmhess10:46 PM

    Cute kid, cute guy. I'd say that family was a keeper! Congratulations!

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Oh my, you have had quite the year of celebrations that come with bragging rights. Congrats again!! Sabena

  8. Firefly8:08 PM


    Super picture!!

  9. Essex9:32 AM

    Congratulations! You must be very proud and happy - deservedly so. I wish the best of luck to your girls in their future endeavors.

  10. Thanks so much, Firefly and Essex!

  11. Anonymous4:51 AM

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