
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

When Karma Bites

I don't really believe in karma. I'd like to, but I don't. Yet sometimes...

Today was quite lively in my neighborhood. Remember the crazy lady who lives across the street? Remember the nasty neighbor who did this to my Bradford pear tree?

Well, this afternoon I walked out into my front yard to move my sprinkler, only to discover the crazy lady standing in the driveway next door and fighting with my nasty neighbor. This lady is seriously crazy--and scary. She lit into the guy to the point that he retreated into his car and locked the doors, while the crazy lady yelled obscenities at him and banged her fists on his roof. Now, normally the crazy lady is not one of my favorite people, but I had to restrain myself from shouting, "You go, girl!"

Of course, then someone down the street called the cops, and because I was a witness...

And I'm supposed to be writing a book through all this? Can I just say, I actually live in what is considered a "nice" neighborhood?


  1. I hope this isn't out of line, but I seriously admire your self-control. I would still be muttering, seeing red around the edges of my vision, if a neighbor ruined my trees!

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    c- I know this is probably the least important aspect of this story. but I really want to know what set off the crazy lady? it had to be something pretty good if she practically assaulted him. I really do love a mystery!

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Ok, so now this means that you'll have to also put the crazy lady into your book along with the butcher of trees so he gets his cumuppence from her in the same kind of way. I can't wait!!! Sabena

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  5. Sabena, one of the hazards of being a mystery writer is that I immediately started thinking, if Crazy Lady turned up dead, there would be five potential suspects: the husband, the daughter, the nasty neighbor, me, and the friend (she had evidently taken a taxi to his house and spent the night there after the previous evening's domestic dispute). And if Nasty Neighbor turned up dead, Crazy Lady and I would be prime suspects!

  6. All I can say is OMG and wow! "As the world turns...." in your neck of the woods. This almost sounds like a reality show---you can't make this stuff up! If anybody gets hurt, or worse, killed, the cops have to start looking at everybody for suspects, definitely scary and unsettling (for you). Where's your FBI neighbor (with his collection of weapons)---did he witness any of the incidents? Hope the tempers cool down, so you can get back to writing, in peace. So sorry that you have to go thru all of this : (( It must be really hot and sultry in New Orleans!

  7. lmhess10:38 PM

    I'm sorry, Candace, I can't type - I'm laughing too hard!! Do these people deserve one another? Did you see this coming? Now they can both be in your book... My only concern would be that she might get her revenge on him by blowing up his house - or something equally awful - and you and your husband would suffer the after effects. the world turns...:)

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    c- OMG. that is amazing. my life is so boring. you really can't make this stuff up. and you're a novelist! if you are not careful the reality TV people will be on your door step shortly. hide! and good luck. I will keep good thoughts for the peace of your neighborhood - mostly so you can get back to writing! :). ali

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  10. lmhess12:10 AM

    A slow-motion train wreck? Yes, that says it well. Keep us apprized of your where-abouts, just in case this gets worse. A good author is hard to come by...

  11. Barbara, see my update to the last post. I'm afraid I am still muttering and seeing red. But now I'm also quietly laughing to myself at the glorious image of him cowering in his locked car. I couldn't have come up with a better revenge--especially since he knows I saw them. And one of the things she was screaming at him was, "Just wait until you're not home and see what I do to your house then, you $#@&!"

    Ali, you are so right--there is a lot more to the story, although it's long and rather sordid.

    Charles, I envy you the peace and quiet of your little spread in the country!

  12. Le Fleur11:23 AM

    HA HA HA. that is the best. You really can't leave us in the dark about what set her off. Something he did to her house? And I agree, where's the FBI agent in all of this? This really does deserve a good spot in your book!

  13. LeFleur, she asked to borrow his phone, and he was a jerk to her. She had a serious meltdown the next day (and I do mean SERIOUS) that I also got dragged into, but she's now in treatment. And the FBI guy next door? When she had her meltdown the next day, he jumped in his Corvette and drove off! I swear, what is it about guys not knowing how to handle crazy women?

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I have one Bradford Pear Tree on my one acre lot, and even thoughtrees for sale

  15. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I have one Bradford Pear Tree on my one acre lot, and even thoughtrees for sale

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