
Thursday, March 09, 2017

WHERE THE DEAD LIE Upcoming Events

I've finally finished Sebastian St. Cyr #13, WHY KILL THE INNOCENT (coming April 2018) and now started on Sebastian #14, WHO SLAYS THE WICKED (coming April 2019).  If you've been following my family's various health issues, I can say that Peanut is now fully recovered, fat, and sassy, Angel (who recently had his 18th birthday) is still hanging in there (although he gave us a scare by first getting a bad cold, then by falling off the dryer and hurting his back), and my son-in-law has just undergone a scary surgery which hopefully will fix or at least improve his long string of health crises. We're now 72 hours out from that.

AND things are about to get hectic with my upcoming book release. Here is my current schedule. If you live anywhere in the area of one of these events, I hope you can come by and say hi!

1. Jane Austen Literary Festival
Saturday, 1 April 2017, 2:45 pm
Panel and book signing
Old Mandeville Trailhead
675 Lafitte Street
Mandeville, Louisiana

2. Garden District Book Shop
Book signing 
Tuesday, 4 April 2017 
The Rink
2727 Prytania Street
New Orleans, Louisiana

3. Murder by the Book
Book signing 
Saturday, 8 April, 4:30pm
2342 Bissonnet St
Houston, Texas

4. Poisoned Pen
Cozy Con 
Book signing
22 April 2017, 1-4 pm
4014 N. Goldwater Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona

In other news, WHEN FALCONS FALL, Sebastian #12, is now out in trade paperback. My publisher has switched their paperback reprints from mass market size to trade because, bluntly, the market for the little paperbacks is drying up and a lot of outlets don't carry them any more. The New York Times has even quit printing a mass market paperback bestseller list, which is really hard for me to wrap my head around! 

It will be interesting to see what effect, if any, the change has on the paperback sales, although the truth is my sales have always been strongest in hardcover and ebook. But I know the switch will be rough on all you OCD types out there. Believe me, I understand.  


  1. I don't mind the trade paperback size (although it requires me to carry a bigger purse)but now the books won't match on my shelves! That's the true tragedy, lol. I buy the hardcovers but I always get the paperback versions too when they come out. Those are the ones I reread over and over while my hardcovers stay nice and pristine. :-)

    I'm glad to hear everyone is on the mend at home. It's hard to focus on other things when the family members you love are sick or otherwise dealing with health issues.

    I'll definitely try to make your Houston stop.


  2. Glad to hear that cats and son-in-law are improving. Hope Steve is, too.

    I actually like the trade size as my fingers age - much easier to handle. I was rereading a very old paperback recently and realized what a challenge they are to grasp and keep open. We'll all adjust, I suspect. Can hardly wait for the new book!

  3. I don't object to the difference in size, so much as the difference in price. According to the Barnes & Noble website, the mass market paperbacks are available for $7.99. The trade paperback has a cover price of $15, although B & N is currently listing it for $13.04. For those of us with limited budgets, that $5 makes a big difference.

  4. I have collected all the St Cyr and living in London it is almost extra meaningful. They are simply magnificent. but oh I have been meaning to ask....please what has happened to the simply wonderful contemporary spy/military/conspiracy novels of which I only have a trio, will you ever return to those.

  5. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and wishing everyone Well. Thank you for the event info. Do you think this is the beginning of a pattern for you? If so I could start planning ahead for '18 or '19;). I am managing to contain my excitement for the upcoming release- but it ain't easy!!!

  6. I love the mass market paperback. Those were the format of my first non-scholarly books, and they have a big place in my heart. Trade paperbacks... bah. More expensive than mass market, and less durable than hardback. Definitely a case of more is less for me.

    Glad to here Sebastian will live on for several more years!

  7. I'm gonna have to go on a Sebastian binge to get caught up. I'm several books behind.

  8. Veronica, I hear you! This is something we definitely have in common--well, two, because I also keep reading copies and keeper copies of my absolute favorites. Hope you make it to Houston.

    Lynne, I always said I hated trades but they are growing on me as I age. And Steve is doing really well, thanks--although he will never live down breaking the leg doing exactly what I told him not to.

    Toni, that is steep. And ironically, authors get a lower percentage of the trade price than of the mass market. I've never had anyone explain that one to me.

    BR41, oh, how I envy you living in London! As for the thrillers, I had to stop writing the series when my mother had a series of strokes and moved in with us; it was simply too much to take care of her and keep two series going. And unfortunately, once one stops a series for that long, publishers tend to lose interest. I may do another some day--I have so many ideas. But selling it to New York would be iffy.

    Barbara, thank you. They do frequently send me to Houston and Phoenix, mainly because those bookstores sell so many of my books and ask for me to come. So the chances are that I will be there one of those years, but I don't know yet.

    Paz, I find it hard to believe the way mass market is disappearing. The loss of the NYT mm bestseller list is really hard on writers who only come out in that format.

    Charles, better hurry!

  9. Suzanne3:20 AM

    I am glad everybody is feeling better. I always have to have a chuckle when people in the US complain about the cost of books. Try having to pay $20-25 for a mass market paperback, $29-35 for a trade paperback and $35-60 for a hardback as we do in Australia. And then the powers that be complain that young people aren't reading these days. You would think the answer was obvious.

  10. I too with some past health problems in the family and a husband who died far too young from heart complications following a complex illness in childhood know how it can impact, so I admire you all....but as I cannot e mail direct I just want to say that having found someone who writes so marvellously about people and situations that seem so historically accurate but where thank heavens we can count on their survival has amplified my knowledge and my reading pleasure immeasurably. So this is a thank you to Ms Harris, and with the hope that the thrillers may also one day return. Trumpland offers the UK the satire business is BOOMING, with Private Eye having its highest circulation ever.

  11. Suzanne, yes, I remember that. I would buy a huge box of books every time I visited my mother and mail them back media rate.

    BR41, Thank you so much. And I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

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  15. S. Pagiola8:43 AM

    Sad to say, I haven't read a single Sebastian St Cyr novel since they stopped coming out in mass paperback format. I neither have the storage space nor the budget to switch to buying trade paperbacks, and I dislike the larger size for reading in bed.
