
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Some Updates

First, an update on Peanut: She's still with us, and while I don't want to jinx anything, she seems to have turned a corner. She's now eating on her own and is bathing herself, and we've been able to stop the subcutaneous fluids. It's been a hard (and expensive!!!) two weeks, and we're still not relaxing entirely, but we're hopeful. She also now officially hates my guts.

And here's a lovely review of my new standalone historical, Good Time Coming, from the Historical Novel Society:


  1. I'm so glad your "baby" is doing better. Now, how are the "boys"? That is Steve and your son-in-law? We need some more good news! And Happy Holidays to you all!

  2. Glad to hear of both of these!

  3. That picture says it all... even poor Peanuts can't believe the year you just went through. Here's to hoping things look up for the next year. And I am looking forward to the break to pick up your new book...

  4. Lynne, Steve is doing much better, still doing physical therapy to try to get back to where he was. My s-in-l hasn't quit breathing and gone into a coma for months, which is an improvement, but he's still having a hard time. Peanut continues to improve. And Happy Holidays to you, too!

    Charles, thanks.

    Paz, I have never been so ready to see the back of this year. Just wish I wasn't so worried about what the future will hold for us all.

  5. Candy - thanks for such a sweet photo. I hope everyone in your family continues to improve and that you have a wonderful holiday. I know it wont be easy with all the stress. This year has been truly miserable for many. My mom passed away in April and my dad in October. I can only hope that 2017 is an improvement but for us all. But as you said, I can help but worry.
    Merry Christmas and the Best New Year possible.
    Best, Ali

  6. Oh, Ali - I'm so sorry...losing parents is very hard and you have my sympathy. I still miss my mom after 16 years. Take care - things will improve. Have a good Christmas and New year.

  7. Susan/DC12:26 PM

    When our cat, Bella, had a urinary tract infection she didn't eat and we had to liquefy her food and feed her through a tube in her neck. No fun for any of us, but she did eventually recover. Sadly she is no longer with us (not related to her prior illness), but recently I found some of the syringes we used for her, and I missed her all over again.

    2016 has, in many ways both micro- and macro-, not been a good year. My hope is that it will turn out better for all, especially you, Peanut, Steve, and your son-in-law. Wishing good health and peace to all.

  8. Ali, I am so sorry to hear that. Merry Christmas, and hugs to you. I can't imagine losing them both in the same year. My dad died at Christmas time 25 years ago, and every Christmas it still hurts.

    Susan, it's good to know that she survived with a feeding tube, because from what our vet was saying they usually don't and I'd decided I wouldn't go that route with Peanut if it came down to that. Now I think I would try it. And yes, here's hoping for a better year next year, although I must admit I'm finding it hard to be optimistic. Happy holidays, at least!


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