
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Not Whining

This isn't intended as a whine, but I thought I'd let you know what's going on in my life at the moment.

My husband is suffering a spinal problem that is making it hard for him to walk, impossible for him to drive, and causing him enormous pain. My life has been consumed for the past three weeks with medical appointments and physical therapy and picking up all the minutiae of our daily life that he normally takes care of, all under a huge cloud of worry. In the midst of this, Huckleberry died; my daughter is getting ready to move to North Carolina (I had planned to make the drive with her but now can't leave Steve), and we've also had air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical problems that make it feel like the Fates are throwing mud at us.

I am also trying to keep writing Sebastian #13 and shepherd two books toward publication. Yes, two. I should be able to reveal the cover for WHERE THE DEAD LIE, #12, very soon. And I will also finally, finally be able to talk about that other book--the non-Sebastian one--that I've been hinting about for what seems like forever. Stay tuned.


  1. Very sorry to hear all of this. Our last year summer was much like that it seemed. AC out twice, computer problems, Lana having to have two surgeries. Hope all will be better soon. So sorry to hear Steve is down. I sure hope he feels better soon. Thinking of you both.

  2. Thanks, Charles. It's really hard when half of a couple is ailing and the other has to both take care of their partner and do everything two people once did, all the while coping with the anxiety of what's happening to the loved one. What you've been trough with Lana is unimaginable to me.

  3. When it rains, it pours. Sorry to hear about Steve's back problems. Those are hard to deal with. I don't think anyone truly appreciates how many muscles are involved in everyday tasks until they have tried to do them with back pain. A good friend of mine is currently dealing with back issues too - has missed a lot of work over it recently - but the doctors are now discussing getting a spinal cord stimulator implanted to help deal with the pain. Not sure what Steve's exact issues are but might be worth a thought. I hope his doctors can find something to help him soon. In the meantime, try to look after yourself too and rest when you can.


  4. Willa5:47 PM

    Looking forward to the Sebastian cover reveal - and the other reveal!

    Best wishes to you and Steve with his back - backs can be agony and soooo debilitating when they go wrong.

  5. I send you warm thoughts & best hopes of all getting better soon. I don't have much to offer, but the best thoughts I can send, so I send them in as much abundance as possible.


  6. Veronica, thank you. I have heard of that--something to keep in mind.

    Willa, hopefully it will be very soon!

    Beth, thanks. It's scary how something like this can seemingly come out of nowhere.

  7. When it rains it pours, doesn't it? My mother's philosophy, anyway. I'm sorry about Steve and hope he improves. (You're both on my prayer list.) Meanwhile take a deep breath and just take one day at a will all take care of itself in time. I think we've all been in your shoes where it all comes at once - so we definitely sympathize in abundance.

  8. As you can read above, each of us experiences times like this. Consider your readers'thoughts as virtual hugs and permission to shake your fist at the universe as you need.

  9. Lynne, thanks. I keep telling myself that even if things don't get back to where they will before, I will eventually adjust. But...

    LinP, thank you.

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Just adding in my positive thoughts for both you and Steve. I am from WA state so I have to say instead of opiates for pain killers try what is legal here in WA. It is so much easier on your body. I broke my shoulder a while back and the opiates were just horrible. I feel for you both!!! Sabena

  11. Thanks, Sabina, and if only! Fortunately Steve seems to be one of those people who can take opiates, have them work, and then stop without issues. (I personally loathe them, and they don't even help pain.) His procedure is Tuesday; fingers crossed it works, otherwise we're going to have to make some huge changes in our lives.

  12. Anonymous3:31 PM

    My thoughts and prayers are with you both, especially for Tuesday's procedure. To me you seem to be a person with great strength of character which I hope helps you through this challenging time. (But it still sucks!) All the best, regards, Rhonda

  13. Suzanne3:06 AM

    I am so sorry to hear about Steve's health issues and the loss of your beautiful cats. You really seem to be going through the wars at the moment. All the very best wishes to Steve on Tuesday. I will keep you both in my prayers.

  14. Rhonda, thank you.

    Suzanne, thanks. I must admit I'm nervous. At least my daughter made it to North Carolina today okay!

  15. I join all others with hope that your husband's health issues find a positive resolution, and that you can find some respite from the worry and additional responsibilities.

  16. Sorry to hear about all your issues. Just to let you know, I only recently discovered these novels and have proceeded to devore all of them in record time (the downfall of being a fast reader). I've thoroughly enjoyed every one and have now gotten 3 of my friends hooked on them (they read much slower so I am constantly reminding myself not to spoil anything). Looking award to the next novel, and I hope everything smooths out for you and yours. - Rich

  17. Paz, thank you. The procedure did work in that he is pain free. Now he just needs to retrain his muscles to walk properly again.

    Rich, thank you. And I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying the books--and attracting new readers. Nothing helps a writer more.

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