
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Three More Sebastians!

I can finally announce that I have accepted an offer from Penguin Random House for three more Sebastian St. Cyr mysteries: #13, 14, and 15 (#12, WHERE THE DEAD LIE, will be out next spring).

I won't deny that with all the firings and cuts at PRH these last ten months or so, I've been just a wee bit tense. I lost my long-time editor last summer, and then a few weeks ago news broke that they were cutting twenty mystery series--and that was only the beginning. So I'm even more excited about this contract than I normally am. And the three-book offer is a nice surprise--in the past I've only signed two-book contracts.

They assure me they're more behind the series than ever before. So now I can relax, take a deep breath, and get back to writing WHY SOMETHING SOMETHINGS!


  1. Oh, I am doing quite the 'Happy Dance' here! This is absolutely wonderful news. You do fabulous work and this is well-deserved. Love the three different Sebastians. Okay, back to celebrating ;)

  2. I am so excited for you! (And to be honest, for us as well)

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    That is fantastic news! There is still so much we have to learn about Sebastian and Co, great that you have more security with developing the series. Cheers, Rhonda

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Congrats. I know you were thinking about 18 total the last time you laid it out, so we are all very excited to secure funding for the next three in line. Whew. So, yes, "hunker" down and get to writing. Seriously, am very excited for you and all your fans. I hope it was a great deal/contract in monetary terms as well. 😃 Sabena

  5. Oh, Candy - what a shame we can't break out the champagne and all celebrate with you!! After your "bad news" last week about all the cuts, this is the best of "good news". I'm exited already about the next book...and the next ...and the next... Now I think Rebecca Eaton needs to put you on Masterpiece cool would that be?

  6. Jan Seale4:55 AM

    Congratulations!! The Sebastian St. Cyr series is one of my very favorite to read again and again. I am thrilled to know there will be even more Sebastian books to look forward to.

  7. Well that is very cool. I'm glad you and Sebastian weathered the storm.

  8. OMGosh! I'm so very happy to hear this news (and belatedly anxious, strangely enough, to learn that Sebastian skated close to the knife's edge even if only in your mind). Congratulations!

    Lynne, I totally agree about getting Masterpiece Mystery onboard with this series. It's perfect for a tv series.


  9. WOOHOO!!! Great news. Congratulations. This is such an awesome series. Finally you are getting the recognition you deserve. March 2017 is way too far away!
    Best, Ali

  10. Thanks, everyone!

  11. Thanks, Veronica - great minds and all that!

  12. Suzanne9:42 PM

    That is really exciting news. Congratulations!! After the rough year you have had you deserve some good news.

  13. exciting and i will buy every book. I wish the next book will come out soon.

  14. I am thrilled. I have read the entire series and I am so glad that it is going to continue. Congratulations!!!!

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