
Monday, July 13, 2015

The ebook for WHY KINGS CONFESS is on sale from today until July 25th!

Apple is doing a special promotion for WHY KINGS CONFESS this month. From now until July 25th, you can download the ebook for just $3.99. (I assume this is just in the States, but I honestly don't know for certain.) The link is here.

And because everyone watches their competition and matches prices, it's also now available for $3.99 at here.

For Nook users, the Barnes and Noble link is here.

So if you have a friend who's been wanting to try the series, of if you normally collect hardcovers/mass market and you've been wanting to add the ebooks, here's a chance to get a good deal.


  1. Just downloaded to my kindle. I own, and prefer, the physical books but ebooks does make it handy to carry around my entire collection, i.e. for trips.


  2. Bleh. I apologize for typos and poor grammar. That's what I get for trying to type on my phone.


  3. Charles, it's a promotion that totally came out of the blue.

    Veronica, thank you! (and I'm hopeless typing on a phone)

  4. Susan J.1:18 PM

    I have to admit that I don't like the idea of giving up having a physical book in my hand and on the shelf to read again later. It's scary how many books are coming out as ebooks only now. I hope this never happens to yours. I have books I've had since the 1960's, how will ebooks ever replace that? Some of them have the signatures of previous owners. How can an ebook ever be the same?

  5. Susan, I must admit I don't like ebooks, either (although I push my husband to buy them, since in my opinion many of the books he reads really are not worth the space on a shelf!). I like hardcovers; there's just something about the heft of a "real" book in my hands that adds to my pleasure ( I read sitting in a chair), and I love looking at my favorite books on my shelves. Also, they say the blue light from devices messes with sleep, which is the last thing this insomniac needs.

    I know some people who buy the hardcover to keep, and then buy the ebook for rereads. If my husband reads an ebook he really likes, he'll turn around and buy the paper book.

  6. Susan J.1:56 PM

    I laughed about your husband's books not being worth the space! My husband was very amused also and asks what type of books does he read? I agree about the light, I started reading the autobiography of Sir Harry Smith (of Peninsular War fame and the subject for Georgette Heyer's 'The Spanish Bride')which is published on line and I had to do it in small chunks as it started to hurt my eyes after a few minutes reading. Speaking of that, I've been reading in book form several of the original published memoirs of that period such as those of Jonathan Leach of the Light Division, William Surtees of the 95th Rifles, John Kincaid also of the 95th, Rifleman Harris of the 95th and George Farmer Light Dragoon in the Cavalry. I love reading these, the people seem so real when telling their own stories and those of their comrades, it is as if the 200 years between has been swept away, particularly examples of the British sense of humour in the midst of adversity, it seems hardly to have changed!

  7. Susan, I don't dare name the authors he reads, but even he describes them as "cotton candy." They're authors whose success makes me want to bang my head against the wall because (in my humble opinion) their prose is shoddy, their characters cardboard, and their plots ridiculous. And yet they sell huge. I'll never get it. The memoirs you're reading sound fascinating.

    Kate, ;)

  8. Susan J.1:22 PM

    You've got me really curious now! However, if the books your husband reads help him relax after a days work, there's nothing wrong with that. I do like to relax with the occasional Regency romance, although I've given up on some which are just so stupid! Some can be surprisingly good, even the occasional Mills and Boon! I've decided in my old age not to be a book snob and just read for enjoyment. It is annoying though, that trash sells more than quality, it's the same with films.
