
Friday, January 30, 2015

Looking Ahead

Whenever I finish a book, I try to spend some time doing all the things I put off while I was caught up in the throes of writing. I clean my office, work in my garden, tackle some of the house repair projects I'm always putting off, etc. In the process of reorganizing my files this past week, I found some notes I'd written back in 2003, outlining my vision for the future of the Sebastian St. Cyr series. I was stunned to realize that I am now starting book #12 and I STILL haven't done some of the things I'd envisioned happening by the end of book #5! Which made me laugh--and also caused me to give some thought to what lies ahead.

Someone suggested recently that I add to my website a peek at what lies ahead, so I thought I'd do that here. As you know, I've just finished #11, and it now has a title: WHEN FALCONS FALL. Not my first choice (I wanted When Doves Fall), but I'm getting used to it. And the nice thing is that I already have approval for the title of #12, which is still only in the beginnings of the outline stage: Where the Dead Lie. 

How many more books will there be? I honestly don't know. But sales are still growing, my publisher is more strongly behind me than ever, and I have a lot of Sebastian and Hero stories I still want to tell.

In addition to dealing with my ever-growing To Do list, I'll be spending the next month plotting out #12, writing guest blogs for a number of sites that will be featuring Who Buries the Dead next month, and getting ready for my book tour the first week in March. I'm really looking forward to meeting my readers in Houston, Phoenix, Portland, and Seattle, and wish I could be going to even more cities.

I'm also planning a redo of my website, although that won't happen until April. My webmistress recently reminded me that it's been eight years now since she first did my site and pointed out that sites are much wider now than when my current one was made. So I'm going to be giving lots of thought to that and welcome any ideas for improvements.

There's a bunch of other stuff going on--I should be able to show you the cover for the audio book of Who Buries the Dead soon. And I may finally be officially getting the rights back for my first seven historical romances so that I can do something with them. But today I'm dealing with a swarm of bees that seems to have decided to make my home their home. I have a bee keeper coming this morning, so wish me luck!


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    C- So I liked your title better as well but this one has a ring to it. Your living room looks normal to me - just what i would expect of a very busy author. and i really,really wish i could be at one of your book tour cities. but as long as you keep those books coming i'm going to be happy! the website redo sounds like a good thing as well. 8 years a long time. cant wait to see it.
    good luck with everything and Indie is cuter than ever. counting the days till March 3rd!
    Best, Ali

  2. Wait! 2016? I thought it was this March ...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ali, that's actually my office, although the living room is also buried in papers! It just keeps getting worse.

    Dawn, WHO BURIES THE DEAD is coming this March, and WHEN FALCONS FALL is coming in 2016, with WHERE THE DEAD LIE coming in 2017. It's weird thinking so far ahead.

  5. Phew. Lost track of the titles. Looking forward to Who Buries the Dead :)

  6. Dawn, believe me, I have the same problem! It's really hard to go to a book signing and talk about #10 when I'm already writing #12. I always worry I'm going to get confused and let slip a spoiler.

  7. I really like "When Falcons Fall." Mostly because I have seen falcons soaring, and they are so beautiful! The fall of such a gorgeous bird in flight would be poignant indeed.

    Congrats on the rights of your first romances. It has been a struggle though, hasn't it?

    My one recommendation about revamping your website is, Have Fun With It! I had a blast working on one with a friend (though the simultaneous exploration of several bottles of wine might have had something to do with it too, ha ha)

  8. The titles seem pretty good but like Dawn, thinking two years ahead seems so confusing to me. But you seem to have it figured out. As to a new website, just be sure the orange kitten gets a place on it - maybe he could be the masthead? Is he trying to help corner the bees for you?

  9. Paz, I suspect it's just going to take some getting used to. It's really hard when I write a book thinking of it one way, and then suddenly have to start calling it something else. And you sound like my web mistress! When I said, "Oh, I HATE looking for images!" she said, "Really? Most of my authors love it." To be honest, I wish I still did my own site; it would make it so much easier to add to and update.

    Lynne, I've been worrying about him and the bees. But fortunately they don't seem to be getting into his part of the house.

  10. I like "When Falcons Fall"! I hope you've managed to solve your bee problem.

  11. Helena, not yet, unfortunately. The temperature has dropped down in the low 50s, and bees don't move around when it's that cold. So we're anxiously waiting to see what happens the next time it warms up.

  12. Suzanne8:04 PM

    I really like the new title. It flows really well. I wish I could be there for your book tour but living in another country I miss all of these things. Ah well, one day perhaps.

    One of my neighbours had a beehive in her lounge room wall. A bee keeper came and took it away to put in his bee farm. The bees all went with it so I take it he removed it when they were asleep. She had no more trouble with them.

    Indie is adorable. He has such an innocent little face.

  13. For me, the best part of your post was reading that you still have more Sebastian and Hero stories to tell. That puts a huge grin on my face.

    And good luck with the bees!


  14. Suzanne, the thing that terrifies me is that this house is brick, and on the inside is the corner next to my desk, crammed with books and other assorted stuff. If I have to move all that stuff, repair the ceiling, and then put it all back, it's going to eat a week. And I don't have a spare week!

    Veronica, just when I think I have the future of the series worked out, I get another idea that adds a couple more books. I have a great twist coming in #12!

  15. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Really looking forward to next month and the next book! But it is a bit cruel talking of great twist in book 12. That is 2017 for us, and I am not the most patient of people! Congrats on your positive reviews, the recognition is well deserved.
    Cheers, Rhonda

  16. Rhonda, thanks. And I know, it's so hard to talk about what I'm doing now when my readers are so many books behind. Once #10 comes out, then it will be one less.
