
Monday, September 22, 2014


The first pass page proofs--aka galleys--arrived last week. These are always exciting since it means a book is getting close to publication. In fact, the Advance Readers Copies should be available soon, and I'm thinking of running a contest to give one lucky reader a chance to win a copy.

I always read galleys very slowly because at this point, I've read the #@%$ thing so many times my brain sees what it expects to see and not what's actually on the page. I did find one terrifying error--I had written Queen Elizabeth when any fifth grader would know I meant Queen Mary. Oh, dear.

In other news, thanks to a continuing string of bad luck with anything that runs on electricity, we spent a small fortune at the Apple Store this past weekend. Not one of these shiny new toys is mine (although since I just got a new desktop when my last one died its spectacular death, I guess I really can't complain). I didn't think I wanted the new iPhone 6 until I saw Danielle's, but I now have a serious case of Phone Envy (That lovely screen! That incredible camera!). I need to drop mine.....


  1. The new books never seem to be published fast enough...I'm greedy, greedy, greedy...but they are *always* worth the wait.

    (Averting my gaze from the new technology...trying to hold out a bit longer.)

  2. Anonymous3:23 PM

    c- a contest is a great idea, i really want to win! and you would be surprised by the amount of errors i have found in books. some big some small but still... not yours though!

    also, i have an iPhone 4. and when i get my free upgrade i will hopefully get a 5c or s. but i am very cheap when it comes to technology. Although there is a new kindle coming out for $79 bucks and im sorely tempted since mine is not a touchscreen. and i would like it for my next Sebastian story. hurry up March!

    speaking of March. have you been on goodreads lately. i was just there and who buries the dead has 24 ratings an average of 4.21. somebody wrote in - how can this book have 24 ratings when its not been released yet?

    the answer was:
    Probably because this series has it own followers who can't wait for it to come out next year, or for my case, hoping for it to come out much earlier. some people live in hope.

    best, ali

  3. I was just thinking the other day "March is getting closer ... closer to C S Harris's new release!" Ooh. Thanks for sharing the galleys ;0

  4. Jodie, we've never bought the newest iPhone before--we always get the model that just became cheaper when a new one is released. I was off shoe shopping while Steve handled the transaction, and next thing I knew she had a 6. But she helped us so much when we were getting my mom's house ready to sell, she really did deserve it.

    Ali, I hate to pick up one of my published books because I'm always seeing mistakes in them. That's funny about Goodreads! I never look at the reviews on Amazon or Goodreads; I realized a long time ago it's better for my sanity. And I have the 4s, and it's starting to get really hot. My other daughter's 4s got so hot she couldn't touch it and she was afraid it was going to start a fire, so I know where this is going. I was planning to get the 5, but oh, am I tempted by the 6.

    Barbara, it is coming. I just wish the book I'm writing now was a bit further along!

  5. May I proof your galleys??? Please??? I'll be happy to catch your goofs while thoroughly enjoying myself...for free:)! Okay, maybe not so much, but I'm thrilled that the book is moving along. And stay away from the Apple store...over-priced and over-rated. (Samsung has better phones...)
    And Ali: I have a Kindle Fire that's a year old and love mine. And it does everything that my friend's iPad does except for the two-way camera. The trick is to NOT buy every book in the world for it.

  6. Woo hoo! I got to read one page from Who Buries the Dead! I totally support your idea to host a giveaway for an ARC. :)


  7. Lynne, they are pricey, that's for sure.

    Veronica, now I just need to figure out how to do it...

  8. Susan J.1:06 PM

    I can't think of any mistakes in the Sebastian books but have you noticed how many errors there often are in many modern books? It's very odd, when they have so much access to modern technology and when you compare them to books that were printed in the past, like my 100 year old Jane Austen copies, when everything was done by hand type setting and yet you never see a mistake. Sometimes it seems we are going backwards.

  9. Susan, I think it's because they now rely more and more on the author catching the mistakes, and it is really hard for an author's brain to not see what she expects to see rather than what is actually there. I see the mistakes when I come back to a book after five or ten years. But when I'm writing one, I reread it hundreds of times over the course of its creation and can practically recite it by the time the galleys come out.

  10. You've proven time and time again that you're a pro - start to finish, always a pro. Your work shows it.

  11. Suzanne6:33 AM

    How exciting, it is really looking like a printed book now, and the publish date is getting closer and closer. A giveaway is a great idea.

    I don't know what prices are like in the US, but here Apple are outrageously expensive. When I was looking for a new PC in January the name brands from Japan were selling what I wanted for around $900, whilst the Apple equivalents started at around $3,000!! I couldn't believe it.

    I need a new mobile phone now too, as mine is about 20 years old and practically an antique. I am making up a list of the functions I need at the moment, in contrast to the functions I don't need but feel sure somebody will try to sell me.

  12. I phone? I still don't have one.

  13. Susan J.12:28 PM

    It seems very unfair on the author to rely on them to not only come up with great stories but check everything as well, what are the editors paid for? I can imagine how difficult it must be to check for your own mistakes, I make enough mistakes leaving comments on here, it must be so hard to check a whole novel! Surely it needs a fresh eye.

  14. Barbara, thank you. But no matter how hard I try, I find that I still let mistakes slip through.

    Suzanne, I must admit that when I asked Steve the grand total, he said, "You don't want to know."

    Charles, Steve held out for a long time.

    Susan, I do have an editor, and a copy editor, and then someone besides me also goes over the galleys. I know because I've found mistakes in the printed books that AREN'T in my version! (In other words, someone inserted them after I saw the galleys. That's what really drives me crazy.) But I think the problem is they are expected to do too much, so the copyeditors can't take the time to be as careful as they used to be.

  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Ooooo. I'm in for the contest. Just let us know how we can help. I'm a Windows and Surface girl myself. It just integrates so well with all the Microsoft stuff (like Outlook, the suite of Office products, etc). Love the new Cortana feature. Since you have Macs, it probably doesn't make sense for you though. Don't you usually head to your cabin in the Fall (with Huck). Are you planning another writing trip soon or are you just too busy? Sabena

  16. It's thrilling for me as a reader to see the photo of the galleys and know that the release date is inching ever nearer. I wish you well on the proofreading. When I was in college, my Greek professor would proofread galleys of the Loeb Classical Library from time to time (her husband, also a Greek professor, was the general editor of the series). I can see her now, hunched over stacks of pages of some classical Greek text, armed with a red pen, shaking her head and chuckling and clucking to herself as she corrected accents and misspellings FROM MEMORY, without looking it up. (!!!) Sometimes she would try to share the (I'm sure hilarious) mistakes with us, and no doubt she was disappointed in our blank faces as we failed to get some Greek grammar joke. I hope your proofing task goes quickly, and at least you're not doing it in Greek!

  17. Sabena, I was just telling Steve the other day that what I really need is a week at the lake. But while he offered, I really can't leave him with all these cats, three of which now need medication twice a day (Huck, Angel, Thomasina), one of which is essentially paralyzed (Scout), and one of which is a holy terror (Indie).

    Melinda, oh, my! And here I never gave a thought to who proofread all those Greek texts. I was a Classics major, you know, but I have no gift for languages, and the thought of trying to proofread Greek is enough to give me nightmares. I've always really, really envied people like your professor.

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