
Friday, April 25, 2014

Hanging In There

I've been rather distracted this week. Banjo had another scary crisis, but he's pulled through it and is doing pretty good...for Banjo.

I've also been wrestling with Book #11, because I'm still in the beginning stages and the beginnings of these books ALWAYS give me fits.

And, finally, I've been working in my garden, trying to get it in shape before our weather gets too hot. It looks as if this is going to be one of those years when a long, cold winter hangs around so late we go straight into summer and miss spring. Here's a corner with some of my favorite spring plants:  a tiny native iris, with a yellow columbine behind it; the heat is already getting to them both.


  1. Suzanne11:38 PM

    Poor little Banjo. He has been through so much already. I will keep him in my prayers. I can understand your writing problems. Being worried about a loved one really doesn't help the creative processes.

    We have had the same climatic problems that you have here in Melbourne, just backwards. A really, horrendously hot summer, and now it is winter. We had about 2 weeks of Autumn. There have been 2 frosts out where I live already and it is only April! Very strange.

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Give banjo a hug and cuddle from us here in the Northwest. Sabena

  3. I'm with Sabena - kiss the kitty for me, too. And I'm quite jealous of your garden...for now, anyway. Things are turning green in my corner of the Northwest but nights are still cool and days only so-so - warm enough to clean out flowerbeds but not much else yet. This is when I itch to start my pots of annauls but not just yet. Poor "upside down". That would be like frost in October here, which we do have on occassion.

  4. Suzanne, he has been through so much. I honestly thought this was the end, but he has rallied amazingly. And two frosts in April is awful!

    Sabena, thank you!

    Lynne, my garden is going to wilt very fast in this heat. It's so frustrating when this happens.
