
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Booksigning This Saturday!

I'll be doing a booksigning and talk this Saturday, March 29, from one to three at the Garden District Book Shop on Prytania Street in New Orleans. There'll be bread and cheese and wine, too, so if you're in the area, do stop in and say hi.

Yesterday's Kindle Daily Deal for What Angels Fear was an astonishing success: the book hit number 10 on the Kindle best seller list! We should know next week exactly how many sales that translates into, but I noticed a huge spike in visitors to my blog and website on Monday. Hopefully the promotion will have attracted lots of new readers to the series.

And, finally, he's a picture of Whiskies that I took when my daughter was visiting. She's his special person, so he was really glad to see her. And yes, he is on a diet. It's just not working....


  1. Many congratulations on the top ten! I hope the signing goes well.

  2. Hurrah! Lovely news all around - your work is top notch and I'm glad you, Sebastian and Hero are there for us readers. Thank you!

  3. Great news about the Kindle deal. Excellent. I hope you have great luck at the signing. I will have to see what I have going. I know we have our taxes scheduled for that day.

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    c- I would love to be at the book signing. I’ve never been to New Orleans. I plan to change that sooner than later! And when I said in Monday’s blog about my review on Amazon helping someone purchase WKC – I was wrong it was What Angels Fear. Either way it was helpful to someone. And you are getting more attention which is awesome! And I know how Whiskies feels – I am always on a diet that never works! Best, Ali

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I'm with Whiskies....I'm always on a diet and just kept gaining weight. He isn't fat as my daughter would say, he's fluffy. Congrats on the success of the kindle promotion. That is just fantastic!! I always feel a bit bi-polar though, as I feel like I "should" comment on your facebook page, but I like your blog posts and other blog post fans so much better, so this is my real posting. How is it going for you posting in two places? Again, congrats on being #10. Can't wait to hear what kind of number that is (I hope you'll share). Take care - Sabena

  6. Congrats on making the top ten! I know I took advantage of it and bought it for my kindle.

    If it weren't such a long drive from San Antonio to New Orleans (and if my son didn't have two soccer games this weekend), I would totally be there for the signing. Best of luck with it!


  7. Helena, thank you!

    Barbara, I must admit it was a heady experience seeing those numbers!

    Charles, thanks. Hope to see you at the signing. Seems like our taxes are always scheduled but never actually done.

    Ali, hopefully someone who starts with ANGELS will keep going! And, yeah, Whiskies has my sympathy, too.

    Sabena, he's definitely FLUFFY! I am starting to get used to Facebook, but I still feel as if it's chasing me through the day--and the week. And the more I find out about the way it works, the more annoyed I become. I didn't realize that just because you "follow" someone doesn't mean that all their posts will show up in your Timeline; it's all based on how many people click "Like" how fast. I much prefer my blog!

  8. I much prefer your blog too, Candy. I would miss it terribly if you were to switch to Facebook! Perhaps they will come up with some kind of app that can update your facebook automatically when you post on your blog...

    And definitely congratulations on the success of Angels! All those one-clickers will be glad they found you!

  9. What good news for you and most deservedly so! Top 10 Kindle list (which translates into more readers, buying more books, hardcover and ebooks, and reading even more books, oh my!) and a book signing. Sigh.
    Any news of a possible book tour or visiting other regions of the country? (Hint, hint: the Pacific Northwest, mayhap?)
    The picture of your daughter with 'Fluffy', I mean Whiskies, is too cute. My dog Hannah (yellow lab), on orders from the vet, is on a strict diet--much less food and green beans for filler. She initially balked at the beans, but now eats it all up. We're keeping our fingers crossed. (She needs to lose weight before a fatty tumor removal).

  10. Suzanne12:37 AM

    Congratulations on Angels!! You must be feeling very proud, and deservedly so.

  11. Paz, thanks. And I can't see myself abandoning blogging for Facebook or Twitter or whatever the next new flavor turns out to be.

    LOgalinOR, I do hope your Hannah will be okay. Let me know.

    Suzanne, thank you! I must admit it was a great--if brief-experience.

  12. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Great news - I am glad the promotion is working since I love the series and it needs more attention ;-). The last couple of books I have bought on Kindle literally the day they were released, I couldn't wait. Unfortunately, I am still cooling my heels for Kings :-(. The Kindle price for overseas customers shows as $18 (I live in The Netherlands) when the regular US price is around $11. It always used to be round about the same price but this time it's not. So I keep waiting until the price gets in line - it's difficult, I am not happy with Amazon at the moment as this happens now more and more often...Still, keep up the good work and hugs for Whiskies. Tina

  13. Congratulations on the book signing! Do you ever do them out of state?

  14. Tina, good Lord, but that's an awful price! Satan in Seattle!

    LuAnn, I have done some in Mississippi, Texas and Arizona in the past, but my travel at the moment is restricted by the demands of my two little special needs kittens!

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