
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Great Whatever You Celebrate

So I finally got my tree up...

It was so late, I didn't put my village and train at the base of the tree this year. But I did set up the one on the buffet...

My packages are all wrapped, the Christmas cookies are all baked (and mostly eaten!), and this year we finally did something I've been wanting to do forever...

We went up the river to watch the lighting of the Christmas Eve bonfires along the levee in St. James's Parish. This picture was simply snapped with my phone, but hopefully I've some better ones on my camera that I can upload after Christmas, because it was really quite spectacular.

At any rate, I hope everyone is having an enjoyable holiday season. Cheers!


  1. lmhess1:24 AM

    Merry, Merry Christmas, Candy! Your trip up the river sounds fantastic! Enjoy your holiday - I'd send a white Christmas to you but it would melt...and we don't have one up here in Eastern Washington, either:).

  2. Your tree looks lovely! Happy Christmas, and a peaceful New Year.

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Merry Christmas to you and yours. Here's to a healthy, happy and prosperous new year (emphasis on healthy, which includes the cats). Sabena

  4. CHEERS to you too! The tree looks wonderful, as do the rest of the decorations. You had mentioned that your daughter will be cooking a fabulous holiday meal. My twenty-five year old daughter took command of the kitchen yesterday as Master chef, and made all of us an amazing dinner (she has her own cooking blog). We were 'fully stuffed,' indeed!
    Have a wonderful Christmas season and all the very best wishes for a good 'kitty' new year, and incredible success with Why Kings Confess (which it will be!)
    PS, the photo of the Christmas Eve bonfire looks intriguing-there must be some interesting history behind it?

  5. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! the bonfires sound fantastic. I love those glimpses of 'local color.' Wishing you love, peace, and happiness always.

  6. Looks beautiful, Candy. I hope you are continuing to enjoy the brightness and sparkle as the holiday season winds down. Here in the Pacific Northwest where days are short and nights are very long the lights (on the tree and outside the house) feel like a bastion of hope. We keep our tree up through Epiphany so it will be lighting up our days and nights for another 10 days or so!

  7. Happy New Year to all! I had a fabulously white Christmas, and enjoyed every minute of it. Glad you had a wonderful one too. I am intrigued by those bonfires. What's the tradition behind them? All my years visiting and loving New Orleans, and this is the first I hear of them!

  8. Everything looks lovely even if you admit to it being put together last minute.

    I just wanted to let you know, that you're wonderful for taking care of those kittens and being dedicated to your sick kitties but also, for writing awesome mysteries.

    And that's why I've included you in my Top Ten 'Cannot Wait For' Books of 2014... You've been a favorite of mine for awhile but I have never thought to track you down and tell you.

    You can see the list here:

    Happy New Year!

  9. Imhess, thank you. I do hope to get those bonfire photos up soon.

    Helena, thank you! I do love my tree, even if I only put about 2/3 of the ornaments on it this year.

    Sabena, thank you! Healthy, happy, and prosperous sounds wonderful.

    LOgalinOR, thank you! Your daughter sounds like a treasure. Mine says, "Other kids go home and their mother cooks for them; why is it reversed in this house?"

    Barbara, thank you. The bonfires were a wonderful experience.

  10. RevMelinda, thank you! I had a wonderful Christmas in spite of getting a late start. My tree is still up, and probably will be until my daughter makes it home from Mexico to help take it down. Fortunately, it was very fresh, so I'm still enjoying it.

    Paz, thank you! Your white Christmas sounds wonderful. I'll be posting about the bonfires soon. It's actually a German and French tradition rather than a Cajun one, and dates back to the last quarter of the nineteenth century. That stretch of the river was settled by a lot of Germans.

    Beth, thank you so much!
