
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Six Days of Hell and Counting

My big black cat, Huckleberry, fell ill with a strange, raging high fever on Saturday morning and has been barely hanging on ever since. Blood tests indicate it's a virus that attacks the white blood cells. We've no clue where he got it, since he's an indoor cat and we've been very, very careful to observe good hygiene practices with the new kittens, which are still isolated. He was the first such case the vet had seen but they've now had four more come in. So New Orleans cat owners, be warned.

It's a nasty, nasty bug, and Huck is barely hanging on with the help of regular subcutaneous fluids and anti-inflamatories. He's neither eating nor drinking, and has spent the last six days simply curled up in the rocking chair beside my bed. He was in great shape before this hit, but he's now twelve, almost thirteen, and I'm not sure how much more of this my poor little sweetheart can take.


  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Oh no! That is just devastating. Pets are such a part of the family and I know Huck is particularly special. I hope he recovers. It sounds like your household has had its share of tough kitty sicknesses. Keeping fingers crossed he comes out alright. Sabena

  2. Oh, this is heartbreaking. Tucking in best wishes and all the good vibes I can muster for his recovery. Take care.

  3. Jessica8:08 PM

    Sending good thoughts...watching pets sick and/or in pain is the absolute worst. Crossing my fingers that he gets better soon.

  4. Oh Candice, say it isn't so! Poor Huck! We are all pulling for him to come thru this nasty virus. You're doing all the right stuff plus a lot of TLC. I'm sure he hasn't used up all of his nine lives yet(?) Hoping for all the best for him, and for you.

  5. lmhess10:29 PM

    Oh, Candice, at this rate you and the vet are going to have to become business partners. Poor Huck - he looks like such a sweetheart. I hope he gets better soon - sick animals are as stressful as sick kids. Give him lots of love from your fans.

  6. All best wishes to you and Huck.

  7. So sorry. I've heard of quite a few sudden flashes of sickness happening around of late. Including to humans. Weird.

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    c- wow. no wonder your novels are full of such great drama - you seem to live it all the time. so sorry about this new situation. I can imagine this is very sad and stressful. I hope Huck recovers and puts in many more years. good luck!

  9. Susan/DC11:00 AM

    My sympathy. My cat, Bella, once had an infection, she didn't eat, and she then developed fatty liver disease, which is when the body starts devouring itself because it's not getting outside nutrients. As the vet noted, cats (unlike dogs) are not food-motivated. So she had a feeding tube inserted in her throat and my husband and I fed her through the tube several times a day. Eventually she recovered, much to everyone's relief. Sending good thoughts to both you and Huck that his outcome is as good as Bella's.

  10. I am so sorry. It is such a hard thing to watch a pet suffer. My thoughts are with you and Huck.

  11. Le Fleur12:36 PM

    poor baby. I hope and pray he gets better soon.

  12. Oh dear. When it rains it pours. Sending positive thoughts that ALL members of your household will soon be in fine health.

  13. I'm so sorry Huck is going through this, Candice. Holding you all and Huck in my thoughts.

  14. Firefly11:00 AM

    Oh dear!

    It so sad when ones animal becomes unwell.I do hope he starts to improve very soon.
    Shall keep my fingers & toes crossed for a speedy recovery!!

  15. I'm so sorry that you continue to go through such stress.

    I am sure you have taken all possible steps to make sure all your pets, old and new, are receiving the best of care. Sometimes there is nothing we can do about viruses; they carry on in spite of everything. That is why they have been around for so much longer than any other living thing on earth.

    Wishing best of health for you and all those around you.

  16. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Candy, I'm so sorry for this virus
    with Huckleberry. It just breaks
    my heart when animals suffer! I so
    pray he gets better!
    Larry W. Taylor

  17. Oh no! Our entire household (especially Oscar and Felix) send best wishes to Huck for a speedy recovery! It is so worrisome when they get a bit older and don't seem to bounce back so easily.

    Also, just catching up on the blog and let me just offer huge props to you all for taking in those beautiful kittens. Many would have considered the time, trouble and expense and turned a blind eye, from one cat lover to another, bless you for giving them a chance.

  18. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I started using colloidal silver on my dog when he suddenly became ill. He's now back to normal.
    It does kill viruses and bacteria that normal antibiotics can't seem to touch.

  19. Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and support. I really have appreciated reading your kind comments even though I couldn't seem to bring myself to answer before. Thank you!
