
Friday, September 13, 2013

Good News!

Readers of the Sebastian St. Cyr series will be happy to hear that I have accepted a new contract for two more Sebastian books, numbers eleven and twelve.

And here's something I am really excited about: my publishers are so happy with the cover of Why Kings Confess that they are planning to go back and redo some of the less successful covers from the past, using this same cover artist. I said, "Can we please start with What Remains of Heaven?" But I'm not sure where they'll start. (With my luck they'll redo the Angels cover, which I have always loved.)

There's a lot more going on that I can't talk about just yet, including more promotion and some trips to mystery bookstores around the country. My publishers are excited about the series, and for that I have to thank you all, my readers.

UPDATE: Parts of this post have been removed because of changing circumstances! Please see more recent post.


  1. That is fabulous news- hooray for you!! And hooray for me, as someone who is absolutely head over heels in love with your books :-)

  2. Congratulations! That is great news. I'm so happy that this series is continuing, because I love it.
    And I agree with you about the cover of What Angels Fear. I hope they don't change that one, because it is beautiful, and it is my favorite of all the covers with Mermaids coming in second.

  3. Candice, what awesome news for you and us fans and readers, alike!!! More Sebastian books (2 in 2014-OMG), promos, book tours, new covers, oh my! And, you hinted, there's still more news to come. We are all so thrilled for you and the continuing success of the Sebastian St. Cyr series. Most deserving, but of course, your long term readers already knew that. Congratulations on all fronts!!! Let the celebrating begin......sigh

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    C-this is wonderful news - for you and us! Congratulations!! Very happy for you. More happy for me. ;)I can't wait to hear about the mystery bookstore trips. How do your publishers feel about NYC!
    These books truly deserve this kind of recognition. And so do you. Yippee! Ali

  5. I'm doing a very happy dance - for me and for you. Congratulations!!!

  6. mk, that's always good to hear!

    Beth, Angels and Mermaids are my favorites, too--in fact I have huge posters of the covers framed and hanging on my office wall above my computer.

    LOgalinOR, thank you!

    Ali, I don't have a clue WHICH places they're planning.

    Barbara, thank you.

  7. nice coup on the cover changes. Excellent!

  8. lmhess10:42 PM

    Oh, dear, Candace, 2014 could be my best reading year yet. Between you and Tracy Grant and a few other favorites, I have much to look forward to, as do we all!! And 2 more? Can you hear me cheering from here???

  9. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I actually read this earlier today while I was on the bus and got some funny looks when I squealed after I read the post. Congratulations! I'm with Barbara-much happy dancing going on here. My vote for places to visit is the Pacific Northwest. Two in one year - sigh. I'm a little torn over the new covers myself, as I'll probably want them. That means that I'll have 3 sets (hardback, paperback and "new" covers). What just terrific news. Now all we need is for PBS to pick 'em up and make period mystery/dramas. Sigh...That is what remains of heaven ;-) Sabena

  10. Having just discovered this series, I am elated with this news. I just finished What Angels Fear (it was the cover that drew me, for the record) and am heading to the bookstore tomorrow to buy the next two or three. Congrats on the new contract.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This is fantastic news! I hope that gratifying us by publishing the books more quickly won't have too much of an adverse effect on you; I seem to remember a post in which you described why it did take so long and I don't remember much slack in your timetable. I hope it means that the publishers are working more quickly rather than you!

  13. Anonymous11:30 AM

    C-well I guess we will all have to be surprised. It's very exciting regardless. And I'm with the rest. It's happy dance time!! Ali

  14. Courtney2:28 PM

    Congratulations! I'm selfishly thrilled for myself and all other lovers of Sebastian (and Hero!) and for you! Well-deserved. Now, if only March 2014 could get here...

    Cheers, Courtney

  15. Such great news--congratulations! And I, too, hope that your touring includes the Pacific Northwest!

  16. After a long weekend of great news, this one is frosting on a cake. I am so giddy feel like watching the Sound of Music and signing along to the "Something Good." :-P

  17. Yay! What fantastic news for you ... and for all of us who love these books, too. ;-) Congratulations, Candy!

  18. Wonderful news! I reread the previous book a week before the new ones come out! It'll be nice to have 2 books in 2014. Any chance that you will be including a map of all the places mentioned in your series? It would be nice to see on that map where all the places are in relation to eachother. Thanks again!

  19. Thank you Candice for this wonderful news!!!
    As for the covers, my first Sebastian book was Mermaids and that is my favourite cover, but I must tell you that it was the tiltle that called my attention in the first place.
    Thank you for all the magical hours I spend reading your books!!!
    Greetings from Buenos Aires :)Carla

  20. Le Fleur11:08 PM

    Congrats! All this attention is well deserved. Can't wait to hear if you'll be coming to my city - sounds like you'll be pretty busy. Especially with both books coming out in the same year.

    Congrats on your hard earned success.

  21. Okay, since I posted my first comment here the other day, I've read book two and am about a third of the way into book three. My intention had been to pace my reading so that I was caught up in time for the upcoming new release in March 2014...but I don't think I'm going to be able to wait. Which is not a bad thing at all. :)

  22. Happy News--Please come to Boston or tell me how I could get a signed book from another store

  23. charles, yes, I am very happy!

    Imhess, two more, yes; but see my new post..

    Sabena, if you only knew how desperately I would love for PBS to pick up this series!

    JustWIngingIt, I hope you continue to enjoy the series!

    Helena, I admit to being a bit nervous!

    Ali, hope you're not too disappointed with the update.

    Courtney, thank you!

    RevMelinda, I will try! Any suggestions for a good bookstore?

    Paz, well, the good news is they are excited about the series, so hopefully there will also be a 13 and 14 coming up.

  24. Rachel, thank you!

    Linda, I've been thinking about doing a map, but the problem is finding the time!

    Carla, thank you. Mermaids and Angels are by far my favorite covers.

    Le Fleur, thank you, but do see the update!

    JustWingingIt, that's always wonderful to hear!

    Patti, Murder by the Book in Houston, Poisoned Pen in Phoenix, and Garden District Bookshop here in New Orleans all usually have signed copies they will mail.

  25. Candy, I can only speak for Portland (I'm sure there are lots of great places in Seattle, too!). If you are interested in the big behemoth, there is no place better than Powell's for a reading and for getting the word out (and if you've never been there, it is truly a marvelous place). If you are interested in a wonderful and small local bookstore, I would suggest Annie Bloom's Books. (I won't post links here but both are google-able.) Keeping my fingers crossed that you come touring our way.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anonymous4:56 AM

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