
Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Crazy Season Begins

It's Carnival in New Orleans again. Mardi Gras is early this year, but the weather was beautiful this last weekend.

I'll admit I don't go to parades much these days, and the traffic hassles can be a pain, but I still enjoy Mardi Gras. It's one of the things that makes this city so much fun and helps give it such a unique flavor. There's just nothing quite like it. Which is probably a good thing....


  1. I'm looking forward to a couple days off work!

  2. Just wondering what, if anything, the green shamrocks signify...Are they supposed to be fleur-de-lis?

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

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  4. Charles, yes, that's the other nice part about Mardi Gras!

    Liz, they also throw a huge St. Patrick's Day Parade here. The parasol was obviously a rethrow originally from that!

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