Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Alienation and Redemption
How bad does bad have to be before a character is simply beyond redemption?
I recently read a novel by one of my favorite authors that severely disappointed me. The prose was as insightful and beautiful as ever, the descriptions as poetic. So what was the problem? In the beginning, our author introduces a seriously nasty character, the kind we normally expect to see suffer his just deserts by the end of the book. Only, in this case, he doesn't. For reasons I will never understand, our author decides to take this truly despicable human being and "rehabilitate" him. At the end of the book, this disgusting piece of humanity does a noble deed and goes off to open a cafe in the Cascades with his newly acquired girl.
When the redemption of a fictional character works, it can be truly uplifting. But in my opinion, some deeds are simply unforgivable and the characters who commit them are beyond redemption. So just how nasty was this character? We're talking about a sadistic prison guard, an Abu Ghraib torturer, who inflicts a brutal, humiliating rape on a nice boy unfortunate enough to fall under his power. Sorry, but that I can't forgive.
What else can't I forgive? Ironically, I stumbled upon another example just last night while reading The Hunger Games. On page one, Katniss tells us she would have drowned a kitten if her little sister hadn't stopped her. There went my sympathy for this very popular character, and my sense of alienation has so far persisted through the first half of the book. I am continuing to read because I'm interested to see how the author develops this extraordinarily successful story, but I frankly couldn't care less if Katniss were to get killed in the next chapter. The author alienated me from her main character at first meeting. I don't care how hard their lives; real heroes do not kill kittens.
Actually, Katniss alienated me for another reason; she hates her mother and holds a really vicious grudge against her. That reduces her in my estimation. Compare Katniss to the protagonist of Winter's Bone, Ree. Ree also has a mother who emotionally buckles beneath adversity, forcing Ree to undertake the care of both her younger siblings and her mother. Only, unlike Katniss, Ree loves her mother anyway and is touchingly gentle with her. Ree is a heroic figure, whereas in comparison, Katniss comes off as unsympathetic and judgmental. Yes, she loves her little sister and makes a truly noble sacrifice for her. But somehow that doesn't redeem her in my eyes. As the mother of two daughters, I'm simply too alienated by Katniss's attitude toward her mother. Perhaps by the end of the book she will come to the conclusion she really does still love her mother. But it will be too late for me; I've disliked her for too long.
So, it seems that as far as I'm concerned, there are at least three unforgivable sins (I've no doubt there are more): drowning kittens, sodomizing boys, and hating your mother for her weaknesses. What about you? What are your unforgivable sins? Have you found characters whose redemption you simply can't accept?
I finally got the Hunger games but haven't started reading it yet. The kitty thing bothers me quite a lot as well. I've got my face all screwed up in disgust just thinking about it. I suppose I'll have to see what I think when I start it.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind evil characters, but I really hate it when writers try to turn them into some kind of hero. yes, people have gray areas, but rape and the slaughter of the innocent are not things you do as a lark and it doesn't touch your deepest core.
Anyone who does anything harmful to a child is unforgivable in my books. I would've stopped reading that book, because I really don't care how well an author can manipulate and massage such a character's personality, I will not buy the redemption.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a bit since I read The Hunger Games, but if I remember rightly the reason Katniss planned to kill the kitten was – well, twofold: she could barely scrape up enough food for her mother, sister, and herself, and she was afraid to see her sister develop a deep attachment to a creature and wind up with her heart broken if it died. Katniss's heart had already been broken; she was responsible from an obscenely young age for, literally, keeping her family alive. There was no room in her life, or that of most in the District, for sentiment: the cat could probably bring no material benefit and would consume food she would rather see feed her beloved sister.
ReplyDeleteAs for her grudge against her mother … I can't say I blame her. She's a child, not mature enough to recognize the psychology of her mother's breakdown. All she knows is that her mother failed to protect her and, more importantly, Prim, and that because of what she sees of her mother's weakness Katniss is forced to bear burdens that adults would find heavy. Nice? No – Katniss isn't meant to be nice. She's meant to be hard; the fact that she's (for me at least) such a successful character despite not being very likeable is a huge coup for Collins.
That being said, the scenario in the other book you mention is a deal-breaker for me too: that sort of getting off scot-free is too common in reality. In fiction I want comeuppance, or redemption.
Whew, honestly I am glad to read someone I respect ratifying my reaction to Katniss.
ReplyDeleteThe movie wisely excludes these traits.
And, btw, thank you in the extreme for prompting me to read The Lymond Chronicles. What is your take on Dorothy Dunnett telling her readers Marthe was best described by the word "rancorless"? I found her, more than Katniss, beyond redemption.
Charles, it's funny because even tho she didn't actually kill the kitten, she would have, and that's what counts--as you say, it's what's in her core.
ReplyDeleteKeira, the character started out as one of the villains; I could not believe when I realized where the author was taking him.
Tracey, I recognize it was meant to show how brutal their lives were and how tough she was, but it was still just over the line for me.
There is a scene in Winter's Bone where Ree is braiding her mother's hair that is so haunting, and helped put me solidly in her camp; on the other hand, Katniss's rants against her mom had the opposite effect for me. But ever since reading The Hunger Games, I've wondered if Katniss's hatred of her mother was actually part of the book's appeal--a troublesome thought.
Jan, my daughter told me they made her a much more likable character in the movie; I guess Hollywood realized those traits would be problematical for many. And I'm thrilled to hear that you liked the Lymond series! Marthe was a very complex character, wasn't she? She was like Lymond, but without the intense nobility that made his more ruthless edges tolerable. Perhaps that was her function, to highlight what was good about him by showing what he would have been without those traits?
Dear author of Sebastian/Hero/Kat/Tom, etc.,
ReplyDeleteI, too, put aside Katniss after the cat-drowning reveal, glad that it happened early on so that I didn't waste more time.
I recently discovered that the C.S. Harris who's so delighted me with her historical mysteries and characters to love (will Sebastian ever find his mother????), also writes modern thrillers. At first I wondered if I'd be able to recognize you in your contemporary dress(vernacular), but early on, some character "huffed" a short laugh. "Aha," I cried. Really, I thought "to huff" was a nineteeth century word, but apparently not.
Looking forward to the Graham series, thanks.
Catherine Podojil in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
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ReplyDeleteUGH! Problems with typos tonite...
ReplyDeleteI will say that the kitten drowning episode illustrates for me the dangers of allegory. I read Prim's stopping Katniss from drowning the kitten as a symbolic struggle between altruism vs. survival of the strongest. It can also be seen as a foreshadow. Prim will become the kitten, about to be sacrificed, who is saved by Katniss . And yet, as you point out, if the allegory is not successful, symbols become flattened, literal.
I must say, however, that I cannot put this episode in the same category as the Abu Ghraib character. For one, he is a grown man, a full adult, with all his synapses in place and thus has plenty of alarm bells that should be ringing. Katniss is a child, still developing her impulse controls, and in the context of an ineffective mother. (More on that later). Moreover, the Abu Ghraib guard character fully executed the actions. Really, there is no more to say.
About the mother/daughter dynamic, I kind of side with Tracey. Though now I am off to order "Winter's Bone" and might change my mind once I meet Rhee..
"Marthe was a very complex character, wasn't she? She was like Lymond, but without the intense nobility that made his more ruthless edges tolerable. Perhaps that was her function, to highlight what was good about him by showing what he would have been without those traits?"
ReplyDeleteOh certainly she served that purpose admirably. But Dunnett's characterization of her as "rancorless" was the first thing I thought of when reading your blog deploring raising villains to heroes; it is only viewed in that light that I can conceive of understanding such a reference to Marthe. How fitting that the best way to describe my dismay at this characterization is that is rankles in the extreme.
Back to Hunger Games, there were very few characters I did admire in that trilogy. Pita and the early-killed Lark are the only ones that come to mind (although I admit it has been a good while ago I read them).
And, maybe I am a hypocrite too, because I ADORE Lizbeth Salander. lol!
Catherine, that's funny; I didn't realized that "huffed a laugh" was idiosyncratic! Now I'm going to have to start watching to see how others describe that little huffing sound people make to express amusement. So glad to hear you enjoyed the C.S. Graham books; the style is very different. It's one of the reasons I enjoy writing them--they make a nice break.
ReplyDeletePaz, yes, I can see that, and I think that's what the author was trying to achieve. She just went too far for me. It's why soldiers adopting dogs in a war zone is so poignant, isn't it? Because it shows the triumph of humanity even in the face of brutality? The kitten drowning impulse shows us that Katniss has lost something vital, something I think needs to still be there for a character to be "heroic." I also wonder about the author's attitude towards cats vs dogs; while she says people ate dog meat, she made it a point to say that Katniss didn't KILL dogs for meat. Why not?
The Abu Ghraib character was obviously much, much worse. But then, he also wasn't the book's main character. As for Katniss hating her mother, I acknowledge that my reaction was a very emotional one, born of having two daughters of my own. I suspect it's a common fear amongst mothers--this fear that our children will hate us for our weaknesses and failures--because we all have them.
Jan, I'm still pondering that "rancorless" comment myself. Where did you see it? I'd like to read what else Dunnett said. You make me realize how long it has been since I've read the series; I'm feeling a dangerous urge to read it again. And I admit, I'm a Salander fan, too. Do you think she would drown a kitten? I'm not sure.
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ReplyDelete"Jan, I'm still pondering that "rancorless" comment myself. Where did you see it? I'd like to read what else Dunnett said. You make me realize how long it has been since I've read the series; I'm feeling a dangerous urge to read it again. And I admit, I'm a Salander fan, too. Do you think she would drown a kitten? I'm not sure."
ReplyDeleteIf Lizbeth were in Katniss' circumstance, I think she would have killed the kitten without hesitation, what with her Asperger's detachment and pragmatism.
I read the Marthe comment in one of the news groups I immersed myself in when I went into Lymond withdrawal frenzy after book six. (It took me a full month to recover from the chess match...that scene has to be the most gut-wrenching thing I have ever read.) I ran a quick unsuccessful search for it, but will continue to try to hunt it up for you.
Speaking of gut-wrenching and villains, let me segue to all Sebastian's throes, and tell you I think the one that hit me hardest of all his miseries was his last confrontation with Amanda. (It is probably a reflection of what a Hero fan I am that Hendon's deception with Kat did not top the list; I wanted him free for her in any way you chose). For him to be so vulnerable to her without his usual ability to sardonically foist off her viciousness made me nauseous, no exaggeration.
The looming sense of dread I fear from her (and Bayard 's) potential for destructiveness is palpable. I hope you (via Hero? lol) kick her to the virtual curb before you are done. She is rancor personified. *shiver*
I had a hard time with the Hunger Game series as well. By the time I got a little into the 3rd book, I was done. I skipped right to the last two chapters to just read the end. I felt the author was just slamming our heads against a cement floor with her messages and I got it already in the first two books. I didn't find Katniss a likeable character, but read right past the kitten comment. Maybe that was what did it and I didn't realize. I'm also a Lisbeth fan, and think that she wouldn't have killed the kitten. Her sense of justice and fair play was such that she only harmed those that harmed others. At least, it's what I'd like to think. I agree with Jan, I really want Amanda to be shut down and get as good as she gives out. I'm intrigued with Jan's thought of it coming from Hero. That would just be great fun. Any hints or sneak previews of anything to come in the next couple of books? Please.... Sabena
ReplyDeleteI read all 3 books in the Hunger
ReplyDeleteGames series, but haven't seen the
movie. Really interesting comment by the author of the Hunger Games:
"It's not about the Games!" AND,
yes really flawed characters that
get worse & worse..! appreciate
your blog posts!
Larry W. Taylor
I read all 3 books in the Hunger
ReplyDeleteGames series, but haven't seen the
movie. Really interesting comment by the author of the Hunger Games:
"It's not about the Games!" AND,
yes really flawed characters that
get worse & worse..! appreciate
your blog posts!
Larry W. Taylor
I read all 3 books in the Hunger
ReplyDeleteGames series, but haven't seen the
movie. Really interesting comment by the author of the Hunger Games:
"It's not about the Games!" AND,
yes really flawed characters that
get worse & worse..! appreciate
your blog posts!
Larry W. Taylor
Jan, I still haven't recovered from that chess match and I first read the book 35 years ago. It will haunt me forever. And that's an interesting comment about which of Sebastian's traumas you found most emotional. I asked Steve what he found most compelling, and he said Sebastian's continuing hurtful revelations about his mother. After thought, I decided I find his relationship with Hendon most painful. I may write a blog post about that...
ReplyDeleteSabena, I don't think I'm going to read past book one; this experience has started me thinking about how we read books that are popular even tho they wouldn't otherwise have appealed to us. As for more on the future books, I'll nudge my editor on giving me the okay to publish the cover. Did I ever put up the cover copy?
Larry, I guess it just goes to show how often writers don't know what it is about their books that makes them appealing. I see that book as having two things going for it: a kickass young heroine and the games.
I am a former high school librarian. I read all 3 Hunger Games bks. They were popular at our school and I wanted to be able to discuss them with the students.
ReplyDeleteI stop reading a bk when there is any kind of animal abuse but after all it was a thought by Katniss not an act.Remember the saying that many of us have thoughts that would shame hell? So blame my reluctance to blame Katniss on my Old Testament nature. In the New Testament, remember Jesus relates even the thought of a sin is a sin?
Sorry to sound preachy, just letting you know how I see it.
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