
Monday, January 03, 2011

The Year Candy Got Her Groove Back


I started 2010 in a strange, inexplicable funk, uncharacteristically unable to summon up any enthusiasm for toasting in the New Year or making new year’s resolutions or indulging in any of the other joyous, confident, reenergizing rituals I generally associate with the flipping of the calendar. It was obviously a premonition. But that year is over and hopefully along with it the seemingly endless train of illness and death that have beset those dear to me.

I can honestly say that this new year has brought a burst of energy swirling with it. I’ve been cleaning out storerooms and closets, making plans to go up to the lake for a writing extravaganza, organizing everything in sight, making lists and resolutions and generally enjoying that ebullient, heady sense of fresh possibilities I usually associate with a new year.

So, here’s hoping your holidays were joyous and that the new year will live up to at least some our expectations. Cheers, everyone!



  1. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! Glad to see you're back and feeling the magic again! :-D

  2. I'm glad that 2011 has started well! I hope it's a wonderful year for you :)

  3. Glad to hear that. I had some lethargy in 2010 as well so I'm hoping for a new energy and start this year myself.

  4. 2010 really was not a great year. I too am happy to see the backside of it! Happy New Year to my new favorite author :-) I look forward to March when I can download your new book on my new color NOOK that my husband gave me for Christmas!!

  5. Thanks, Steve; hopefully it will last!

    Orannia, my wishes for a great year for you, too.

    Charles, I know you had your share of grief last year, too. Here's hoping the new year is better for both of us.

    Dana, thank you! Amazingly, something like a quarter of my sales are now ebooks. They really are the wave of the future. I'm putting one on my next year's Christmas list.
