
Friday, April 23, 2010

A Different Look

Here's the cover of the large print edition of What Remains of Heaven, just out this month. It's by a different publisher (Thorndike) and their covers are usually different from the Penguin/NAL editions. Interesting.

Here are some of the other large print edition covers:

I have no input into these covers at all. The first I even knew about the new Heaven cover was when Steve sent me a link to it on Amazon this morning!


  1. The visual message I'm getting is, 'old people like cityscapes'... Not too bad, though! :)

  2. WROH cover - not bad . . .

  3. ouch, the one for the mermaids is terrible, I prefer by far my cover.

    the others are passable.

  4. weird... esp that you have no say or input on cover design :(

  5. I still don't get why, as the author, you get no say on the cover. I mean...the cover represents your book... It's just so...illogical (and I guess frustrating).

  6. I really like the WHAT REMAINS OF HEAVEN cover but the others...


  7. Not too keen on Why Merimaids Sleep, but I like the other two.

  8. pax deux4:38 PM

    It is possible that the cover artist did not read the book, and went only by the title. I actually like the Mermaids cover as a piece of art. It just has nothing to do with the story.

    The Serpent cover is just, well, didactic, shall we say?

    I do like however, overall, the idea of using pictures as cover art. Always have.

  9. Steve, believe it or not I never stopped to think that they are appealing to a different demographic! Hmm.

    Lainey, I like all the arches.

    Sab, I agree, the mermaids one is just creepy.

    laughingwolf, it is strange, all right.

    Orannia, I guess they think writers write, designers do covers. But, yeah, it's frustrating.

    Liz, the Serpents one is especially annoying, given the Victorian Londonscape!

    Bernita, they do seem to tend to be more sedate and calm--with the exception of the creepy Mermaids cover.

    pax deux, I'm still anxiously waiting to see what NAL is going to come up with for Shadows. They were thinking about a picture.
