
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mermaids Goes Back to Press!

Just months after going back to press last winter, the third book in the Sebastian St. Cyr series, Why Mermaids Sing, has been back sent back to press again. I don't remember which printing this is because I'm starting to lose count. But it's very good news because it shows that interest in the Sebastian series is increasing. And increasing interest in the series means that--hopefully--NAL will continue to ask for more Sebastian books.

And for those of you waiting for book number six, I'm working, I'm working...


  1. Welcome news! The Sebastian series has been fortunate to have thoughtfully designed covers in addition to the great stories inside.

  2. That's fantastic news - congrats!

  3. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Thats so exciting! I'm glad you're getting such great news right now!
