The Archangel Project arrives in bookstores this week. Given this book's long gestation--Archangel was half written when Katrina hit three years ago--I'm finding it a bit hard to believe this is finally happening. But il est arrivé!
I understand some bookstores even have a stunning dump (one of those cardboard display boxes you see at the front of the store) with a great "tag" line: Think you know what's real? Think again. I myself haven't seen one yet, but if anyone spots one, I'd love a picture.
It's been a busy week. My sister arrived for an eight-day visit last Friday. I had a birthday--on what will now go down as the greatest stockmarket crash in history . Archangel was released. I got Deadlight in to my editor ON TIME. I'm getting ready to be on a panel at the Louisiana Book Festival on Saturday, and then next Wednesday I fly to Baltimore for Bouchercon. Phew!
As soon as I get back, I need to buckle down and finish book five in the Sebastian St. Cyr series. My editor shot down my working title--What Hell Marks. So we have a new title: What Remains of Heaven.
Wonderful news! I'm going to visit several local bookstores to see if I can find one of those displays. Too, too cool. Congratulations.
Wow, what a week. Congratulations on the release of the book!
Cool. IS this the one that's going to be in the SF book club? I will either get it there or when you have a signing. Looking forward to reading it.
Wow, now I can go out and get my copy and read a book by someone I know (well, almost). I'll let you know what Indigo has done to expose your book to the reading public.
Has your writing partner, with respect to remote viewing, ever had a problem with leaving a shadow on the wall? You can provide your answer to me via my email address within the profile of my blog.
I now have one of those clever wee camera-phones, feeling totally like 1960's James Bond. I'll send along/post the next cool setup of your books I see!
Thanks, everyone!And Charles, this is the book that will be in the SF book club.
Got a signed copy at the Book Festival and can't wait to crack it open.
Enjoyed hearing the presentation too. Congrats on the new book.
Harper Collins should be ashamed for packaging Archangel in a manner that fails to identify its politicized content. The authors are free to articulate and propagate their bizarre left-wing ideology (though they laughingly repudiate the label) but it's immoral to flog a novel to potential conservative buyers without disclosure as to its offensive political opinion. I was so offended after 20 pages, I threw the paperback away and wasted the $7.99; imagine, a small part thereof will accrue to these authors who will continue to spin further sophomoric tales.
Angie, Glad you enjoyed the presentation and hope you enjoy the book.
vlaiacona, Sorry to hear your rigid deologies wouldn't allow you to give the book a chance--it's a fun read. And it's just a STORY.
Great writing in THE ARCHANGEL PROJECT and I really enjoyed the story. Tobie is a kick. Why do I think that this character comes from the mind of Candy? Mischevious little imp with electronic shazams eminating from her constantly. (Why did my computer just freeze?) The upcoming THE DEADLIGHT CONNECTION sounds great and I'm looking forward to it. However, ( isn't that the way the hard part always starts? (BUT,However,Incinently) Where JAX and Mat are discussing the steel in the sub and its commercial uses,(PG372) the description for use of pre-1945 steel is different from the explaination that I was given during some reasearch for my book INTERDICT coming out in December. the reason pre-1945 steel has no radiation in it is because prior to that time, an isotope that is used in the steel mills was not invented. I.E.: When the steel is rolled from the ingot, there is an isotope ( radioactive element) set under the rolling ribbon of steel. the reading of how much radiation is in the steel tells the thickness down to hundredths of an inch. In the DOE research lab in Las Vegas, their lab that checks strodium 90 from the atmosphere is made from steel from mothballed pre WW2 battleship guns. Might want to catch that before it gets past your authors copy. I'm hooked. Tobe is my adopted grandaughter from this point forward.
That's interesting about the steel, Addison; I'll definitely look into this. Since steel production is in no way my specialty, I simply took as true the information I'd found on pre vs post 1945 steel. Definitely will do some more research! Thank you.
I just finished reading this book about an hour ago, and i love it.
I felt a strong connection with the setting of the book. After Katrina hit, i spent my spring break in New Orleans helping out on clearing out houses and preparing them for rebuilding. A main project we were working on down there was the cleaning up of the Civic Center. I would have posted this to you in a more formal way but i couldn't find a email address.
I also wanted to say that i greatly enjoyed The Archangel Project and can't wait till The Deadlight Connection is out in stores.
If you have any recommendations similar to The Archangel project for me to read, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send your suggestions my way.
My email address is
Thank you!
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