
Thursday, August 21, 2008


We’ve finally updated the C.S. Harris website, with the stunning new cover of Where Serpents Sleep, the fourth book in the Sebastian St. Cyr series due out this November 4. You’ll also find the cover copy and an excerpt of the first chapter, as well as some of the events/appearances I’ll be making this fall.

There’s a new section on the website, too: Special Features. The first “special feature” is an article on porphyria, the genetic disorder from which the British royal family has suffered since the days of Mary, Queen of Scotts, and that helped drive King George III mad. Check it all out at

You’ll notice we also updated the blog a bit and fixed some old links. And the RSS feed finally works—or so I’m told.

And one more update from my Florida daughter: seems the third time's the charm. Fay is finally hitting her college--now that the evacuation is over and they're all back on campus!


  1. You're right: porphyria *does* sound like something out of fiction. Too bad the name sounds like something MAF would want you to scrape off the bottom of your boat...

    That Fay, such a tease! Of course, I do hope your little'un is well...

  2. I love the colors in that cover. Very Danteesque in some way. The site looks very nice.

  3. I still am not getting the proper feed—iGoogle lists your latest posts as the ones you posted in October 2007 before changing servers.
