
Friday, November 04, 2016


My new standalone historical, GOOD TIME COMING, has received a wonderful review from Publishers Weekly. Here are a few excerpts (I'm not printing the entire thing because I thought it gave away a bit too much of the story):

In a distinct departure from her popular Sebastian St. Cyr mystery series, Harris tells a powerful story of war's destruction of property, people, hopes and morals during the Civil War in Louisiana. This is top-notch historical fiction, thoroughly researched and vividly presented, revealing the Civil War in all its brutality. . . 

. . . an excellent story, full of suspense and historical detail.

I've also received a starred review from Booklist, but I can't put that up until it's officially out on November 15.

AND while I'm still waiting for final approval from New York, I think I may have a title of Sebastian #13: Why Not the Innocent?


  1. Congratulations on the amazing reviews! You are getting them so regularly these days, they might feel like routine LOL.

    LOVE the title "Why not the innocent." I find it extremely evocative , promising a combination of gothic drama and pertinent social commentary.

    Hope everyone's health continues to improve.

  2. karla zamiska10:38 PM

    This may be the wrong place for this comment, But I am fully for the books coming out in all types of editions/formats. For one thing as a reader who reads from my quite wonderful library in Portland OR, I think multiple formats for a title helps libraries order.
    Although this series is strongly popular, I like to see new authors get a chance. And I like the idea of new readers of this series to be able to pick up a less expensive edition in a store to try it. So more is better.
    The one problem I have run into but not with this series, St Cyr, is when something in published in e format only. But that is a library issue usually, finding the first books are in book form, then suddenly the next is in e format. .

  3. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hi candy. I'm getting my hard copy from amazon thus week, but I had also put in a request at king county library order it for me. I just got confirmation they ordered 8 copies. Huzzah!!! Sabena

  4. Karla, yes, I'm all for books coming out in as many formats as possible. It's hard on authors when publishers drop the print versions of their books. I personally don't like ebooks because I read last thing at night and the blue light from electronic devices keeps me awake. So I have a "no TV, iPhone, or computer after 9pm" rule.

    Sabena, Good heavens! Thanks so much!

  5. Happy to see this published. Sorry to hear about Peanut. I'm hoping for the best there.
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