
Friday, August 19, 2016

A Book Giveaway


The winners are:

The books are going to:
Winter's Child by Margaret Coel - Diane Johnson
Blood Defense by Marcia Clark - Becky Denham
Who Buried the Dead by C. S. Harris - Penny Tuttle
Death in the Off-Season by Francine Mathews - April Schilling
Books of a Feather by me - Laurie Metz
Knit to be Tied by Maggie Sefton - Tom Williams
The Last Good Place by Robin Burcell - Author - Robin Gandy Harsh
What You See by Hank Phillippi Ryan - Judi Robins
Dead Man's Switch by Tammy Kaehler (author) - Kasey Dunham
And special congratulations to our GRAND PRIZE WINNER (all 9 books!) - Liz Caldwell
Winners, please send your mailing addresses to the contest coordinator at jenel (at) jenellooney (dot) com by August 30 to claim your prize. 

Thank you so much to everyone who entered. I hope you had as much fun with this giveaway as we did!


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Hi Candy - Ok, I went through all of them. Some of them intrigued me, some of them not so much. I greatly appreciate the chance to win new books and be introduced to new authors. I laughed when it came to Marcia Clark. I was in law school when she was prosecuting the OJ trial, which I watched almost every day and it seems like I know her (even though I didn't even realize she was an author now). On a totally different note, I'm hoping both Steve and your son-in-law are much improved health wise. Take care (and hopefully the tuxedo kitten is still making you laugh). Sabena

  2. I think this could be great fun... but I cant figure out how to enter. Is simply visiting the website enough? How do I let authors know I have entered?

  3. Sabena, thank you. Steve is recovering slowly. What's happening with my son-in-law is scary. And I must confess I've only read one of these authors myself!

    Paz, if you go to the website and click on the robin symbol at the top of the page, it will take you to a firm you will out. I think they should have put some instructions on the page with the symbol (I say "they" because all I did was contribute my books!)

  4. Pretty good deal on this

  5. Suzanne4:48 AM

    It's been a while since I had the chance to read your blog. Life has been rather difficult recently. Firstly, I do hope things go well for Steve and your son-in-law. You have had such a bad time lately, it really isn't fair. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.

    Congratulations on getting your civil war book published! It reminds me of a conversation about American history I had with a friend from the US a while ago. I did American history at school and we were talking about the gangster era and I was stunned that she didn't know much about it and that wasn't taught in her school in the US. I said, "But you missed all the juicy stuff." Apparently back then the US school system didn't want to look at that. It was good thinking to get it published overseas when the US publishers wouldn't do it. I loved Midnight Confessions and have put a pre-order in for Good Time Coming in the UK. I am really looking forward to it!

  6. Thanks, Suzanne. And yes, I've always been aghast at the way anything unpleasant is airbrushed out of American history-light. It seems to me if you can only love your country by denying it ever did anything wrong, then you don't really love your country. But I guess I'm in the minority in that.

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