
Monday, May 16, 2016

Saying Goodbye. Again.

We lost Thomasina today. Even when you know a dearly beloved friend has lived a long, good life, it's still hard.

Because she was once feral (hence the cropped ear), we've never known exactly how old Thomasina was, but best estimates put her over seventeen or eighteen. When we first brought her home from the rescue group (just weeks after moving to New Orleans), she was so shy she lived in our spare room amidst the boxes for months, only venturing out after everyone had gone to bed. But Danielle slowly won her over. As far as Thomasina was concerned, the sun rose and set in Danielle--and the feeling was mutual.

Thomasina saw Danielle through all the painful adjustments involved moving to a strange new country, negotiating the American school system, and heading off to college and then graduate school. Last Wednesday, Danielle successfully defended her doctoral dissertation; on Thursday she accepted a position as assistant professor at a good university. And today, this.


  1. I am glad for Danielle's successes, but very sad for the loss all of you have suffered.

  2. How fortunate your family and Thomasina were to have found each other. Love given is never truly lost.

    Wonderful news about your daughter's successes. Funny how life is so often like that, the bitter with the sweet.


  3. Such a bittersweet post. But sincere congratulations to the newly minted academic. May she prosper in her chosen career.

  4. As Paz noted, this is a bittersweet post - but it also shows the depth of love in your life to nurture children and pets as you have. Congratulations to your daughter and peace for Thomasina. Hugs.

  5. Thanks, Charles. We're very proud of her.

    Veronica, thank you. It has been a week of extremes.

    Paz, thank you.

    Barbara, thanks so much.

  6. Congratulations and best wishes to Danielle and tears for Thomasina- such a grand old lady!

  7. Congratulations for your daughter , but my sincere condolences for Thomasina. She stayed long enough to see your daughter succeed.

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