
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Oops, I Did It Again--UPDATE

He just showed up at my door the other night, a little eight week old kitten. Who dumps a tiny kitten?

I tried to say no. Oh, I gave him some food and fixed up a sheltered box for him to sleep in, but I have no room in my house for any more cats.

He's as cute and sweet as can be. I walk out the house and call him, and he comes on the run, meowing all the way. We've named him Indiana Jones because he's intrepid and adventuresome. He has a vet appointment in the morning, but he really, really needs a proper home. Anyone?
UPDATE: So he went to the vet this morning. Passed his AIDS and leukemia tests, but there is no test for distemper so he's going to be in quarantine in the big crate in the garage for the next 2 weeks (no more climbing trees, poor guy). He has ear mites, fleas, and worms, which we will be treating while he's in isolation. Otherwise the vet says he's strong and healthy and just 8 weeks old. He loves to be petted and purrs his heart out. He's a real sweetheart.


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    C-wow now that is a cutie. If I knew someone in your hood I would let you know. Who could resist that guy. Maybe you could build an outdoor animal sanctuary - I bet at this point you would qualify for state aide under some kind of not for profit law. You have done so much for the local homeless animals. I swear they must talk about you and send their friends your way! I hope you find him a great home - assuming of course you don't keep him. Good luck!
    best, Ali

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I shared on my facebook wall, but don't have high hopes as I just don't know anyone in your area. I'm hoping it gets around. Good luck. He looks so sweet. My neighbor took on the neighborhood stray after several of us were feeding her. She tried to make her an indoor cat, which didn't work out so well. She is now the neighborhood cat and we all watch out for her, but it still breaks my heart that she is outside when the weather is rough. (She has a house that was built for her - she just never uses it, sigh). Strays are so heartbreaking. Sabena

  3. Our older cat, Blackie, came to our back door 12 years ago. He also knew teh home of cat staff when he saw it

  4. We've mostly adopted racoons but they don't come in the house.

  5. Ali, ha! We joke that there's one of those secret signs on our door like hobos used to mark friendly houses.

    Sabena, he is so tiny. After having him for almost a week, our vet says he's only 8 weeks. I just couldn't leave him out there any longer--I wasn't sleeping with worrying about him, and when we went out to dinner I worried about him so much I didn't enjoy myself.

    Tom, they do know. But someone should have told this guy there was no room at the inn!

    Charles, sounds reasonable to me.

  6. There is a web site that only kittens can read. They all visit it and always tell their homeless friends to go hang at the Harris household. And that's how Indiana found Candy and Steve...he just knew!!!! He is the cutest thing and if it weren't for Macaroni the yellow parakeet, you could ship him to me in a heartbeat. But I'm pretty sure he's staying with you for the long haul - whether you like it or not. Who can resist that cute little face?

  7. Suzanne11:16 PM

    He is so adorable. I hope you find a home for him soon.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Aw, he looks just like my first ever pet cat, so sweet! If I didn't live half way around the world - and with a husband who's allergic to all cats except Devon Rexes - I'd have him in a heart beat.
    I do think he has your name tattooed on him ... :-)

  10. Sounds like you have a new cat. ;)

    He is adorable, no doubt about it, and I love the name!


  11. Anonymous1:52 PM

    c- that is good news from the vet. and another cute picture. i remember in 101 Dalmatians (cartoon) the dogs used the "twilight bark" to help find the puppies. i thought that was coolest thing and always wondered if it was real. maybe its the twilight meow? now im really being, ali

  12. Lynne, that must explain it. And I love the name Macaroni!

    Suzanne, I know. I wish I could find a house without other cats so he could go inside and snuggle. As it is, I'm spending far too much time out in the garage...

    Rachel, I must admit I'm going to have to feel VERY good about anyone who wants to take him.

    Veronica, I simply cannot keep him. We're starting to look like those hoarders you read about...

    Ali, Twilight meow, that's it. Although I must admit I searched the neighborhood, because I'm worried about what happened to the rest of the litter.

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