
Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Audio Version of WHY KINGS CONFESS

This cover for the audio version of Why Kings Confess has been out a while, but I kept forgetting to post it. The narrator is, once again, Davina Porter.

Believe it or not, this is the second version; the first was not only of some Victorian dude, but he was bearded and lounging in a chair smoking a pipe. I don't know why art departments seem to think people wore the same style clothing from 1800 to 1900, so if you say "early nineteenth-century setting," they think, "Ah, yes; Victorian."

And while we're on the subject of covers, I've been told I'll be given permission to reveal the cover of Who Buries the Dead on May 21st. Once again, my editor and I asked that they not show a face, and once again, they did. But overall, I'm pretty happy with it, so I'm anxious to hear what you think. Watch this space.


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    c- well i got to admit this is one seems a lot better than what the first one sounded like. at least they didn't put a crown on his head. cant wait to see the new cover as well. i am always surprised to hear that you (the author) can't just pick a cover you want for your book. i just find that odd. either way - so looking forward to reading more about our favorite couple (and son!)

  2. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Agree with Ali; guess this one is better, however I refuse to think it is supposed to be Sebastian. Maybe LaChapelle? Can't wait to see the next book cover. Hope all is well with the kitties. Sabena

  3. Suzanne10:23 PM

    I really don't understand why publishers do that. Especially as the cover is such a big part of the selling process. You would think that the cover artist would want to read at least the first chapter the get an idea for the cover. If I was an artist I know I would. Or are they completely ignored as well?

    On a brighter note I am really pleased that you are happy with the cover for Who Buries The Dead and I can't wait to see it. When I took Why Kings Confess to give it a plug at the book chat group at my local library, there were lots of oohs and arrs over that cover. And lots of notes were taken, so hopefully it may result in some new readers down here.

  4. Here we go again...the "dumb" publisher routine. Didn't we discuss this a few months ago? These art departments are so clueless, Candy. Don't they realize that many people chose a book by the cover...and I don't mean that in a trite way. Tracy Grant has the same problem - her characters are living in much the same time frame as yours and they keep putting them in Victorian dress. I love costume and am somewhat savy about what style goes where. And I'd bet many readers are at least that smart or smarter. Anyway, now that I've vented, I'd say the audio cover looks nice and I'll look forward to the next cover...where poor Sebastian is probably still wearing his ill-fitting top hat:)!!

  5. Ali, oh, the horror--it never occurred to me that they might put a crown on his head, but you're right--I dodged a bullet!

    Sabena, no, that is NOT Sebastia! And the kittens are hanging in there, thanks.

    Suzanne, thanks for the plug at your book chat group! And I suspect the problem with the art departments is that they are overworked and underpaid, and don't really care about how well their covers match the books; their focus is graphic.

    Lynne, oh, yes; same model, same hat! At least this time I got them to make the cravat white. Tracy's covers are always so gorgeous, it's a shame they don't get the period right in the dress. It really shouldn't be that hard.

  6. I'm late to comment, sorry, but I'm with you about not wanting to see a face on the cover ... because it never fits how I picture Sebastian - or Hero. As for the issue of clothing styles, if I had been born in the 19th century I would vastly prefer to wear the clothes from the 1st half!

  7. Barbara, I think I'd have died if anyone ever tried to stuff me into a corset. I HATE anything tight.

  8. Susan J.2:59 PM

    I've often wondered if writers have any say in the designs on book covers etc. The fashions depicted are so often incorrect on historical novels. I also feel I do not want to see Sebastian's face depicted, I have my own idea of how he looks and want to keep it that way. It's the same when books are dramatised, the actors rarely fit the characters in the books. For example, Elizabeth Garvie was, to my mind, the most perfect Elizabeth of all time, in the 1970's BBC version of 'Pride and Prejudice, but the bloke playing Mr Darcy was awful.

  9. Susan, the better a writer's books sell, the more input she is given into her covers. Some writers have no say at all; others are allowed a few tweaks, and that's it. For the WHO BURIES THE DEAD cover, they actually sent me three photos of the model in various poses and let me choose which I wanted for the cover. Believe me, I was stunned. (Of course, his face was plainly visible in all three, so they didn't listen to me on that.)

  10. Obviously not Sebastian. It can only be a picture of Jarvis during his salad days, so to speak...

    On a more serious note, can't wait till the 21st! Or even better, March 2015.

  11. Paz, no, definitely not Sebastian! Some prissy Victorian.

  12. Susan J.2:24 PM

    Paz. I laughed out loud at your comment, Jarvis in his salad days, brilliant!
    I often wondered about poor old Georgette Heyer, trying to pay her tax bills by converting to Pan Paperbacks and their raunchy covers. So NOT Georgette Heyer. I mean, 'An Infamous Army' was once thought of as the best depiction of Waterloo ever and was on the set book list at Sandhurst, but you would never know it by looking at the Pan cover.

  13. Susan, as much as I complain about my covers, I know there are examples that are far, far worse. Except for What Remains of Heaven. I really, really wish they'd redo HEAVEN--which I wanted to call WHAT HELL MARKS, by the way!

  14. Susan J.2:51 PM

    I know what you mean about 'What Remains of Heaven'. I don't know what they were thinking with that peachy pink fussy dress, not even of the period! I think all the others are OK though and 'What Angels Fear' is very stylish.

  15. Susan. J10:41 AM

    I've just realised that the stylish 'Angels' copy I have is the older version. I'm glad I got that one rather than the new one, I do prefer it I'm afraid,

  16. Susan, I have a giant poster of the original ANGELS cover over my desk, that's how much I liked it. I asked them to redo HEAVEN and they redid ANGELS instead.

  17. Susan J.10:17 AM

    I suppose the publishers want to attract as many kinds of readers as they can, so the "mystery" look of the new covers might attract thriller readers who don't normally read historical novels. Does seem a shame though.

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