
Sunday, January 05, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a good holiday season. My editor had planned to get the revision letter for Who Buries the Dead to me before Christmas, but to my relief she did not. So I've simply been relaxing, enjoying my family, taking care of sick cats and handicapped kittens, and occasionally giving some thought to the plot of what will be Sebastian #11.

I've decided my only resolution this year is, Stay Sane. I'm hoping that one will be doable.

Those of you in the States, stay warm. They're predicting a low of 21 here tomorrow night, which might not sound bad to those facing subzero temperatures in the double digits, except, my poor plants! I'm off to cover up gardenias and palms, and harvest my citrus crop now...


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Happy New Year! Definitely stay warm. Are you a football fan at all? Our neighborhood is Seahawk crazy (the GM and a player live in the neighborhood) and we're all gearing up for the game with your Saints next weekend. We'd like a repeat of the last time they played here. Weather here shouldn't be too bad - mid 40's and rain. Glad you got some down time over the holiday. Sabena

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy New Year to you too! I am glad you are getting a break. (Though, selfish of me perhaps, I am also glad you still are keeping Sebastian in the back of your mind...) What I remember of freezing temperatures in New Orleans was friends worried about bursting pipes. But of course the poor plants too! Hope this passes swiftly.

    Here in the Northeast we also got an unexpected break, but not a terribly happy one. The weather was horrid. Don't get me wrong, I love snow; it just doesn't belong in cities. In the blink of an eye you go from winter wonderland to icy sidewalks, foot high snow piles at every curb, and games of dodge-the-muddy-slushspray between cars and pedestrians... yuck!

  4. lmhess10:53 PM

    So nice to hear that you were able to enjoy the holidays. Happy New year to you and the family and all the cats. (Its going to be 12 degrees here tonight - a little nippy as my dad used to say.)

  5. Suzanne5:01 AM

    Happy New Year to everyone. It sounds as if you are all suffering with the cold weather. Here in Melbourne it is summer and Christmas was hot! I have been reading your comments and thinking longingly of snow and cold winds.

    New Year was more pleasant but it is getting hot again later this week.

    Candy, I am really glad you were able to have a break over the holidays. I hope you are feeling well rested and ready to have a safe and happy 2014.

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    C- Happy New Year! and belated Merry Christmas. Glad you had a nice holiday despite the nursing duties. I made a similar resolution - don't bite off more than I chew. I wish you much luck with yours. Its not easy. And in the NYC area it is currently raining and tomorrow it will be 14 degrees. I guess I could try skating across town. but I have 2 left feet so not a good idea. good luck with your beautiful garden! best, ali

  7. Sabena, thank you! I don't follow football, although I admit I'm always pleased when the Saints do well simply because it puts the city in a much better mood. The defeat the Sunday before Christmas was awful, since our family Christmas get-together was at the home of a cousin who is the nephew of... Oh, never mind!

    Paz, yes, the pipes are a huge worry, especially since we are in the process of fixing up my mom's house to sell it, and it's empty right now. Turning up the heat only does so much. And I do remember those days of sloppy snow.

    Imhess, thank you! Twelve degrees is definitely a little nippy. Stay warm.

    Suzanne, thank you! i hear Australia is having a very hot summer this year. The one summer I spent in Lancefield just outside Melbourne (waaaay back in 75-76), I froze.

  8. Ali, anything that involves sliding on frozen precipitation is always a disaster for me. I can't imagine dealing with snow in NYC. Good luck!

  9. Happy New Year! To quote Mr. Neil Gaiman:

    "I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

    Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world."

    Sounds good to me, especially since I excell at making mistakes. LOL

    Though you have your hands full, it still makes me uber happy to hear that new Sebastian thoughts are churning in your head. Since I picked up the first book a few months ago, I've perused old posts in this blog, from a time when the future of this series was apparently anything but assured. How marvelous that you are now thinking about Sebastian #11! :)


  10. Candice, wishing you and everyone else a great New Year! I, like you, am also hoping for just 'staying sane'. Looking forward to early March and Why Kings Confess.....sigh.
    It's great to hear that you're starting to contemplate ideas for Sebastian book #11--music to our ears, indeed.
    Wishing everyone affected, to be warm and safe, along with all the pets, plants, and (water) pipes, too. The likes of this nasty, not so nice arctic blast, have not been seen in over 20 years! We, in the Pacific Northwest, are not affected. We had our blast from the arctic last month, in early December.

  11. Veronica, there was indeed a time when this series came very, very close to ending. I can't believe I'm starting #11, either. Sebastian and I have been together now for a long time!

    LOgalinOR, thank you. I can't BELIEVE how cold it is out there! I take one breath and my newly acquired asthma makes my lungs close up in horror.
