
Friday, May 17, 2013

Pomp, Circumstance, and a Promotion

I'm afraid I haven't managed to get much writing done this week. Wednesday was the medical school's awards assembly and hooding, and then, yesterday, my daughter and her husband officially became doctors.

Since my daughter is also in the Air Force, today she officially went on active duty and was promoted to captain, with Steve and her husband pinning on her captain's bars.

And yes, her mother is very, very proud of her.


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Oh wow!!!! What a week!!! I think you deserved the time off to enjoy your daughter's (and your) success. She is beautiful, by the way. I know I've said it before, but from one mom to another, you must be so dang proud. Where will she be stationed? Hopefully close enough for visits. Is this the daughter that originally had Huckleberry and then brought home Wiskies? My daughter (12 yrs), btw, now says "what a Wiskies move" whenever our cats do something not so bright. She loves looking at pics of your cats. Enjoy the weekend. Sabena

  2. Congratulations to all! Truly a source of happiness and pride.

  3. Sabena, I am sooo proud of her. She'll be stationed in Houston, which is about an 8 hour drive away. Unfortunately, they have so many bases there and the military books all the civilian flights, so it's ferociously expensive to fly into. And yes, she is Huckleberry's "Mama." The dog in the picture is the stray they picked up half dead from the side of the road a couple of years ago. That's funny about your daughter and Wiskies; too bad she couldn't meet him. He is a real sweetheart. If only he could learn certain vital concepts....

    Barbara, thank you.

  4. OMG! What a thrilling week for all of you! Nice picture of the proud mama and cute daughter, BTW. Wish the adorable couple (and canine, too-LOL) much luck, success and happiness! You and your husband must be so proud, and relieved, too. Is your home an empty nest yet? Another (huge) milestone in life to savor and enjoy.......sigh.

  5. Congratulations to all on their wonderful achievements (which of course include successfully mothering your bright and talented daughter). I hear Houston is a great place to be a young adult. I remember the drive from San Antonio to New Orleans well, and always enjoyed it.

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Congratulations to your family. My daughter is. 17 so our journey is just beginning

  7. LOgalinOR, thank you! We do still have my younger daughter in graduate school; she's up in Baton Rouge, but she comes home every other weekend.

    Paz, thank you. And I can't believe I said Houston! Must be wishful thinking; she's going to San Antonio.

    Anon, thank you. Seventeen doesn't seem all that long ago!

  8. Ha Ha re: Houston. I just thought you must be a cautions driver

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    c- how wonderful - 2 amazing achievements. i am sure proud doesn't even begin to cover how you feel. the medical profession and the military are lucky to have her. i wish her much success and happiness. and great pictures too!! ali

  10. Courtney1:28 PM

    Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment for your daughter and her husband.

  11. Excellent! Congrats to all involved.

  12. Anonymous8:29 AM

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  13. Paz, the truth is, I hate to drive, so I wouldn't even be able to drive to Houston.

    Ali, thank you, and I couldn't agree more; the Air Force is fortunate, indeed.

    Courtney, thank you.

    Charles, thanks!

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