
Thursday, March 21, 2013


Here's the cover for the audio version of What Darkness Brings; I always find it interesting to see the different decisions made by different art departments. Davina Porter is once again the narrator.

I understand Recorded Books has plans to go back and produce all of the earlier books in the series that have not yet been done as audio books, although they will be releasing them slowly.

Update: I just looked at the covers for the audio versions of Where Shadows Dance and When Maidens Mourn; notice an interesting progression?


  1. This is so exciting! I listen to at least one audio book a week on my drive to work. Wonderful! Love Davina Porter's voice too. Can't wait to hear how she reads Sebastian.

  2. Elaine4:03 PM

    Hmmm.. It looks like the covers have progressed from having the title prominent to your name being so. I never noticed if that's a regular thing with established series, going from the title to the author being more prominent.

    I've never listened to an audio book, I'm always afraid that characters won't sound the way that I think they should.

  3. OOh, I think Elaine is on to something ... something
    very nice!

  4. Christi8:42 PM

    I think I might have to try listening to one of sebastian's adventures from the sound of it..,
    If your books were made into a miniseries Candy, who would u choose to play Sebastian, Kat, Gibson, and Hero?

  5. Faith, I'm curious: do you find it disconcerting when the reader's interpretation doesn't match your own?

    Elaine, yes, they've made my name larger each time, and with this book moved it to the top. It's something publishers do that a lot of readers don't notice. I've been advocating for NAL to put my name above the title for a while now; hopefully with Why Kings Confess they will.

    Barbara, yes, she nailed it.

    Christi, I would love to see these books made into a miniseries, but I struggle trying to come up with actors I'd like to see fill the roles; no one quite matches my vision. Even those who did when younger are now a bit old. Maybe a young version of Hugh Jackman for Sebastian? A better-looking, much younger, and slightly less crazy version of Robert Downey, Jr, for Gibson? And I'm totally stuck on Kat and Hero.

  6. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Everyone is always asking and you've never said before. I'm glad you finally took a gander at it. My own personal favorites are Richard Armitage for Sebastian (although can definitely see Hugh Jackman), Anne Hatheway for Hero. I definitely like the Robert Downey Jr. for Gibson. All three of these guys are getting a bit old, but let's just shift everyone up a decade or so. Also, Alexis Bledel for Kat. Let me know what you think of those two for Hero and Kat. Sabena

  7. Excellent. I still have not made the move to audio books. Getting sattelite radio has thrown me back a bit.

  8. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Oh, totally forgot on previous post, LOVE the switch to your name being more prominent. CONGRATS!!! I also like the cover for WDB. Reminds me of the narrow alleyway where Collot was killed. Oh, and on the mini-series, about once a year I write in to BBC to recommend that they produce it. Keeping fingers crossed. :-) Sabena

  9. Sabena, I'm not sure why I suddenly decided to take a stab at it. My problem with Anne and Alexis is that my image of them is colored by what I've seen them in. I do think Anne's mouth is far too big for Hero. The only time I've seen Alexis she was acting the part of an obsessive ditz, so that makes it hard for me to see her as anything else.

    Going strickly by looks, perhaps Keira Knightely or Kate Winslet for Kat, but that's without any of their personal characteristics thrown in. I'm utterly stumped for Hero.

    Charles, with all the driving you do, that was a good idea.

    Sabena, thank you.

  10. Anonymous10:55 AM

    What about Emily Blunt for Hero if it is a full length film or, Michelle Dockery (from Downton Abbey) if it is a series?

    On another note, I'm still reading "What Darkness Brings" and yes, I'm enjoying it a great deal.

    However, I do find the English used, more so in this book than any of your earlier Sebastian St Cyr mysteries, is a modern version of the spoken English in the
    In fact, one even comes across words and phrases used in English spoken today!
    Is there a reason for this Candy? Would it be because your publisher advises it will appeal to a wider set of younger readers?
    I'm just curious!

  11. Christi11:18 AM

    This is fun!! Interesting that u brought up their personal characteristics. How would u describe Kat? Personality wise? Then we can try and match her with an actress...

  12. Anon, I think maybe I confused Alexis Bledel for Emily Blunt; there's a reason I don't normally play this game! Michelle Dockery is an interesting thought, although to be frank, she reminds me of someone I dislike!

    As for the English, I do try to strike a balance between the more formal early 19th language and making the characters seem so stodgy that they're unattractive. That said, I do think spoken 19th century language was actually less formal than surviving letters, novels, and even diaries can lead one to believe, since a very flowery literary style was in vogue. One can find less stylized letters and diaries that sound astonishingly modern. And sometimes, to be perfectly frank, a modern expression will simply slip past my attention and that of my copyeditor.

    Christi, I see Kat as someone with a very strong personality; she had to be, in order to survive what she did and triumph. She is fiercely true to her ideals and those she loves/befriends, and is willing to sacrifice herself--both her life and her happiness--for what she believes in, such as Sebastian's future and Irish independence.

  13. Christi11:29 AM

    That was a great description of Kat. I think Kiera Knightley or Kate Winslet would fit the bill. Could you do descriptions of Hero, Sebastian, and Gibson as well? I really like reading everything I can about their characters, they all fascinate me :)
    I also am in a reading slump now, because I can't find something to interest me after WDB :) oh well!!

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What about Jessica-Findlay Brown for Kat? She played Sybil on downtown abbey? She is very pretty and has similar coloring as Kat...
    Also, Candy, I just want to say that you are a fabulous writer!!

  15. AWESOME, thanks for the news Candy. I've been wondering when the previous novels will be released on audio; if ever. Now that I know that they will, I'll be keeping a close eye on audible.

    I listen to about 2 audiobooks a week and thus far, Davina Porter is my absolute favorite!

  16. Christi, I'd have to put some thought into that!

    Anon, she's an interesting choice. And, thank you.

    LinhiePooh, I'm told they will start bringing out the earlier books soon.

  17. Amber7:44 PM

    there is an unknown actor named Kevin Ryan he did one season on the BBC show copperhe would be good for either Sebastian or Gibsonfor a female actor there's also Carrie Mulligan who might work as herothere's also somebody that might work is Gibson it's Rupert Grint he used to play in that Harry Potter moviefor cat a Claire Forlani?
