
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Booksigning from Hell

I doubt there's an author alive (well, maybe a few whose careers have been blessed with pixie dust) who can't relate to this. I laughed ruefully all the way through it.

h/t to Sphinx Ink for the link


  1. I saw this. Hilarious. He's got a second career going.

  2. Simply brilliant!


  3. Oh dear, oh dear - I've had one or two events like that (or three)!

  4. He should come out from behind his desk and talk to people and give them bookmarks!

  5. Too funny! Thanks for introducing me to Mr. Hall's work ... I have some in-laws who are soduku fans, and I love puzzles myself, so this is pretty cool.

  6. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I promise if you come to Seattle I'll come with a bunch of my friends. We'll buy books and make you look like a rock star. Please come to the west coast some time!!!! I'll even drive to Portland - promise. Sabena

  7. Charles, if nothing else, it's a great way to publicize his books.

    Liz, I STILL smile when I see it.

    Susie, haven't we all, smiling stoically and playing with our pens!

    Sue, that's a good idea.

    Barbara, I haven't read any of his books, but he obviously has a great sense of humor. I plan to check him out.

    Sabena, maybe one day, hopefully!

  8. Oh sweet zombie Jesus, I snorted Diet Coke up my nose. I have been involved in what I call the "Bataan Death March of Signings," where it seems like every single author is selling gobs of books while I weave friendship bracelets and eat my tablemate's stash of Hershey's Kisses.

    And I already told my St. Martin's publicist that I just won't do solo booksignings-- no unless she wants reports of her author curled up in a corner, whimpering and sucking her thumb. *g*

  9. Oh dear! Thank you Candy :)

  10. Sorry about that, Barbara! Laura Joh Rowland and I used to do joint booksignings every year when her historical mystery came out exactly the same month as mine. It was wonderful. Now, sigh, she's moved to New York.

    Steve, the neat part is I just saw a link to this on Huff Post, so i bet it's bringing him lots of sales. When I first saw it, he had a couple of hundred views; now he's up over 34,000.

    Orannia, laughter is good.

  11. And, unlike many of these things, one can hear every word. Easily.
    It's perfectly lovely!

  12. Excellent - I know just how Mr Hall feels!

  13. Bernita, the words are priceless.

    Sue, yes, we've all been there!

  14. Funny, but honestly a great fear of mine. Of course, I actually have to get a book in print first before I can really worry about it. lol
