
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Archangel on Huffington Post

Eric Kuhn over at the Huffington Post has an article on The Archangel Project!

In a posting entitled "Political-ish Holiday Stocking Stuffers," he spotlights three new thrillers, saying, "As the holidays quickly approach and some are looking for the last minute perfect gift for that politico in your life who was obsessed in the recent presidential campaign, I thought I would go out again and find the best "Political-Ish" holiday reads. Below are three interviews with authors who recently published fictional novels with political overtones. The perfect stocking stuffer!"

Archangel is the first book he profiles.

Ever since I realized there was a whole world of swirling debate going on between left and rightwing blogs that was generally flying by under my radar, I've taken to reading the Huffington Post daily, so it's neat seeing our book highlighted there.

You can read the entire interview here.


  1. Nicely done! I can't wait to read this one, m'self!

  2. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I bought your book today and am sorry I put money in your pocket. When it was advertised as a "political thriller," it failed to say "left-wing political thriller." I'm sixty pages into it and the emphasis on DNC talking points makes what might be an otherwise interesting read, imposible for someone not already getting all their information from Democratic Underground.

    Your heroine's statement that "The only people who want to go to Iraq are seriously delusional or very, very scary individuals." on page seven is an affront to the volunteer forces and a shame given your backgrounds.

    Several metric tons of yellow cake sent this year to Canada from protective custody in Iraq contradicts, at least somewhat, the anti-war rant you subjected me to on page fifty-eight from VP Beckman.

    If I can manage to finish this without being totally disgusted, I'm betting that before the book ends, you'll work in "global warming" and/or "economic justice."

  3. Hey, I didn't know my sister reads your blog....

    'Democratic Underground'... *sheesh*

  4. Cool. Nice interview. Hey, at least anonymous bought it.

  5. grats, candy...

    and season's blessings to you and yours :)

  6. Great interview.

    Happy Christmas and New Year :-0

  7. Hi Candy!

    I had no idea you were behind this book when I got it. I was at a gathering of frequent flyers (we call them "DO"s) in Palm Beach in early Dec. and won it as part a gift exchange. It was still in my suitcase when we left for a Christmas vacation in Prague & Dresden. So Christmas day I found myself glued to the chair in our room at the Dresden Hilton, unable to leave until I finally finished the book about 3 in the afternoon, just kept telling my wife "I'll be done with this soon, then we'll go out."

    I put it together this morning when I logged into to see if C.S. Graham had written anything else, found nothing but started reading the reviews. :) Honestly, I haven't been that wrapped up in a book in ages.

    I finally returned to Moscow in 2003 (first visit in 24 years!) but sadly only a couple months after Galen passed away. Of course I regret not making the trip earlier, but it's too late.

    I also tracked down my long-lost cousin in Sydney through NSW's genealogical resources (NSW has a fantastic on-line system for family history research)and finally made that long over due trip to Oz -- reconnected with my cousin & spent a couple days in Young checking out the cemetery. Went back again last May to Hobart as part of another frequent flyer "DO", during which I spent a couple days pouring over microfilms in the Tasmanian archives. One ancestor was a horse thief sentenced to hang but given "transportation" instead; his future bride stole a dress. Both were continuing disciplinary problems and ended up in the prisons, he at Port Arthur for a year & she did a couple stints in the Women's Factory in Hobart. Such humble beginnings! And their daughter married the son of a thief who was transported to Sydney ....

    Best wishes and please keep C.S. Graham writing!

    MHS dropout & UI Classic alumnus

  8. happy new year to you and yours, candy :D

  9. Ditto from Denver, Candy! And congratulations on the HPost plug! WOW. K.

  10. Thanks, all--Steve, Charles, laughing wolf, Liz, and Scout--and Happy New Year to you!

    Anonymous at 1:52, sorry you didn't like the Archangel. Console yourself with the thought your money went to a good cause--our youngest's college tuition!

  11. Mike, good to hear from you! Sounds like you've been doing a lot of traveling. Interesting to hear about the Oz connection, and thanks for the kind words about the book.
