
Monday, March 10, 2008

Historical Novels Review

There’s a nice article about WHY MERMAIDS SING in the February issue of The Historical Novels Review. If you’re not familiar with the magazine, it’s published quarterly by the Historical Novel Society, and you can read more about it here. In addition to running fascinating articles, it is their ambition to review every new work of historical fiction released in the US and Britain, along with some titles from Canada and Australia.

Since I live under a rock, I’d never heard of HNR before they contacted me for an interview. Now that I’ve discovered it, I intend to subscribe. Definitely a treat if you enjoy historical fiction.

I had a picture of the cover, but for some reason I couldn't get Blogger to upload it. Anyway, the title of the article is “Strange Bedfellows: Historical Fiction and Forensic Medicine.”


  1. Wow, that's cool. I had not heard of this magazine either. Their goal sounds ambitious but more power to them. Congrats on the review.

  2. This sounds like a really cool, but dangerous, magazine. I spend too much on novels already.
