
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Month of Oz

Last week, an old Aussie friend of mine contacted me out of the blue. Now, this week, I find out that Allen and Unwin have bought the Australian rights to WHAT ANGELS FEAR and WHEN GODS DIE. What a strange coincidence!

I can't tell you about how excited I am by this sale. I've had many overseas sales, but never to Australia. I lived in Australia for eleven years and I would have given anything to see my books in the stores there. Now it's going to happen (even if I'm no longer there to see it).

In my experience, things like this always come in threes. So now I'm thinking, What's the third Aussie link going to be?


  1. I'm coming up on my tenth year Down Under (though in Ozzie's smaller kiwi neighbor), and the thought that I might live here eleven years and end up back in the States gives me the cold sweats.

    Definitely sounds like you had your reasons, though.

  2. can't help you on that one, c.s. wait, maybe i can. i was emailed from a fan who at the very end of the letter, in which he made me flashback through two decades of writing, that he was from tasmania. does that work? by the way, i'm not sneaking in here, i know steve malley and that gramlich fellow in abita springs wrote the intro to my last collection.

  3. Steve, I will always miss Australia. Actually, I may end up back there some day as my younger daughter has taken out Aussie citizenship and fully intends to go back to live.

    Wayne, thanks for stopping by!

  4. Congrats. I'm very glad to hear it.

  5. Seconding the congrats! Fantastic news.
