
Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I have both my girls coming home this holiday season: Samantha and her husband (and Maddie, Zydeco, Loki, and Odin, too) are here already, and Danielle and Ryan arrive the day after Christmas. The fact that they're all going to be here at the same time set me on a mad scramble to paint Dani's old room and get it fixed up with a double bed in time for the holidays. But everything is now finished--room painted, bed delivered, tree up, house decorated, presents wrapped. I've shelved my writing until after the new year (with just 35 pages left in the 13th Sebastian book!), and now I'm simply settling down to enjoy my family and the holidays.

It's a full house, with eight cats, one dog, four people, and two more soon to come (thankfully Danielle's two cats aren't coming, too!), but Maddie is the Queen and she knows it. She is SO BIG, and still as sweet (and bad) as ever. She especially likes the village under the tree. Ahem.

Huckleberry always loved the tree and village so much that I must admit it was hard putting it up without his help. BUT, my little Peanut is still on the mend, and while I can't completely relax, I think she is going to make it. And my son-in-law, while still so terribly ill, was able to make it here for Christmas, so we are thankful for that. And Steve is now walking well enough that he was able to put up the crown molding in Danielle's room (that was the one room in the house that didn't have it).

I know things could have been so much worse, but this has been a pretty awful year, so here's hoping for a better 2017. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Some Updates

First, an update on Peanut: She's still with us, and while I don't want to jinx anything, she seems to have turned a corner. She's now eating on her own and is bathing herself, and we've been able to stop the subcutaneous fluids. It's been a hard (and expensive!!!) two weeks, and we're still not relaxing entirely, but we're hopeful. She also now officially hates my guts.

And here's a lovely review of my new standalone historical, Good Time Coming, from the Historical Novel Society:

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Release Day!

Today is the U.S. publication date for GOOD TIME COMING, my standalone historical, that should now be available everywhere in all formats.

I'd planned to do all sorts of promotional things for this book, but they all collapsed in the face of the awful year that has been 2016. At the moment we're fighting to keep alive our little Peanut, the runt of the litter my daughter rescued just seven years ago. So I will post links here to two interviews I've done in which I talk about the book and my writing. The interviewers asked some great questions and are well worth the read.

The first is with Layered Pages at:

The second is here:

More soon, hopefully. I just want this year to end.